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Panchaali's POV:

I lay on my bed staring at the wall.
It was 4 am in the morning and the sun was yet to rise.

"Let's begin anew"

Dharmaraj's words still rang fresh in her ears, her mind replaying yesterday like a broken record and each time it did so, she found herself falling a little harder.


Lost in the feeling. The fireborn stretched up from her bed, and went to the veranda for some fresh Dwarka morning air.
The clouds held a spooky tint to it today, making me shudder and cross my arms around myself.
The wind felt restless and cold when it hit my face.
A unease bubbled up within, but I pushed it back down. Nothing to worry about.

Not now. Not today. 

I leaned on the railing for a few more minutes and decided that I was officially ready to start the day.

Quickly stripping my night clothes off I entered the bath the maids had set up.

I loved bath times! And always preferred to have a bath to my liking.

Hot water, scented roses, and surrounded not by walls but white curtains allowing in cool drafts.
To say she was flattered would be an understatement when her sakha had ordered such a room to be made for her personally in the palace of dwarka which included the bath and so many more exotic items like a pukhraj studded bed.

No wonder she was so spoiled.
Her Father, Brother, Elder Sister, Aryan, Krishn, Bhraata Balaram and his wives!
Sab ne sar par chadha rakha hai.

 Her Father, Brother, Elder Sister, Aryan, Krishn, Bhraata Balaram and his wives! Sab ne sar par chadha rakha hai

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(PC. But the curtains are closed and its adjoined to Panchaali's room)

A sigh left my mouth the moment the water hit my body. Immersing deeper, I gently began scrubbing turmeric and tea tree oil over my body and then washed it away with the flowery scented water.

Thoroughly enjoying the process, I slightly parted the curtains allowing only my eyes from the inside to rover the surroundings.

The clashing waters, and diving came into my view and so did the tanned torsos of the Pandavas half emersed in the waters having their bath.

I squeaked in embarrassment, and pulled back the curtains blushing furiously, getting out of the bath in a flash.

I picked up a white silk saree, my jewelry box and started getting ready. The maids busied themselves in preparing me as well. Moving here and there with hands full of ornaments.

When done I looked at myself I'm the mirror and snorted at the sight.

I never dolled up in such a way this early or actually ever. Everyone knew this and now everyone will wonder the reason behind it as well.
Things first crushes make you do!

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