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Arjun's POV:

The murmur died along the wedding mandap as we made our way down the aisle, towards the altar.

I could almost feel those judging eyes crawling on my skin.

My eyes kept itself glued to the floor occasionally scanning around the hoards of guests, searching for the familiar face of our mother.
Disappointment filled me soon enough.

She wasn't attending.

Sensing my droop in my mood, Bhrata Bheem gently nudged me, "I too was reluctant to get married without mata's permission, but dekha jaye toh, we're already married just not officially. While I'm sad that she's not present here, I'm also relieved because no doubt she would've too objected in this union and we would have been unable to disobey her. It's better to explain it to her in person, calmly after everything is a bit settled."

I nod. He's right...
Right now, all they needed to focus of was getting officiated without fail.

Face the society head on.

Truphets sounded, the distinct jingling of payals had me looking up from the floor for the second time.

It was as if oxygen had suddenly fallen short.
Once again, Panchaali's beauty had rendered me speechless.

I couldn't will myself to look down on the floor again. My gaze was transfixed on her face.

Being escorted towards the alter by Madhav, Panchaali looked heavenly in red.
It was as if the the most beautiful of the Apsara had herself desended from heaven.

Eyes lowered shyly, her every walk was so captivating that he swore, the whole venue had gone quite with awe

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Eyes lowered shyly, her every walk was so captivating that he swore, the whole venue had gone quite with awe.

Madhav winked at me, smirking as he dropped Draupadi off and with a quick pat on her head was off to take the place assigned to him.

The Pandit seeing that both the bride and groom were here got up to start the ceremony when a loud voice boomed.

"So, this really wasn't some kind of sick joke, huh, Maharaj Drupad?"

The prince of Raunakpur.

"Your daughter really was marrying five men. The five sons of the late king Pandu. Wow."

The chancellor of Gauraknagri.

"Hear this Drupad, we will never let this matrimony take place! We might have come to attend but that doesn't mean we support it ! Such a big adharma!" King Shatrugan yelled, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

My hand wrapped around Panchaali's in reflex. His first priority from now..

"What are you thinking Maharaj Drupad? Such a humiliating act will go down in history as a big scar on the Panchala name."

It was a Panchaal ally kingdom that spoke up, I noted. Till now only Hastinapur supporting kings and royals were doing all the yelling.

Worrying about the usual circumstances of their marriage, Arjun had forgotten a very important issue.

Hastinapur and Paanchal were sworn enemies.

Except Dwarka and Matsya, the whole Aryavartha was divided into two groups.

One in support of the Kuru Family, and the other allied to the Panchala Dynasty.

The heirs of each clan being tied into a union would disturb the whole trajectory.

Holding his hand up for quite, King Drupad or is it Father in law now? Stood up to address the gathering. The instant quite was impressive. It made sense though, it was the Great Emperor Drupad speaking.

"Respected dignitaries, we are honoured to have you all grace the wedding of our beloved children. This marriage is indeed peculiar, but I assure you it is by all mean right. Sage Vyasa himself had assured us."

Sage Vyasa stood up in the royal box. "Panduputr and Draupadkanya are bound to get married due to some special circumstances which unfortunately cannot be revealed but I assure you o' great royals, that this union is the will of God and these children the very weapon of the almighty in shaping the society for the better."

A pregnant silence followe the declaration. Sage Vyasa was a highly renowned Sage. None present had the right to question his judgement..

"Does Hastinapur agree to the proposal?" A king yelled pawing at a desperate possibility.

"Yes. Hastinapur has been assured by Sage Vyasa, Maharaj Falgun. We are ready to accept this union with open arms."

These words by The General of Hastinapur was the final nail.

No one further had the guts or authority to argue.

Prayers were hummed, and vows were made.

Rituals were carried out and blessings were received.

The heavenly Krishnaa wed The mighty Pandavas.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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