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Bheem's POV:

"Let it go, RAJKUMAR." I growled when the prince hand remained fisted around the mangalsutra. The silent rage inside me was clawing it's way out dangerously quick. If his brother-in-law didn't plan to abide their words in the next few minutes, his future wife might as well already start wearing white.



"Panchaali!!" The six men yelled in unison as the beauty of Panchaal lost conscious and dropped to the ground.

Faster than light, I had our wife safe in my arms and without a second glance at the unanticipated arrival, was back in the shelter of our cave.

Nakul and Sahdev checked her pulse.
"She's okay." Nakul informed, having us all let out a sigh of relief. "She just fainted due to a sudden shoot of her blood pressure. Probably because she got overwhelmed from the little scene from before."

I sighed and slowly caressed her head. "What are we to do with you, Princess?"

The trembling voice of Prince Drishtadyumna brought us back to the current situation. I frowned at his figure standing at the entrance of the cave. "I-Is she alright? M-my s-sister? I m-mean, she never fainted l-like this before"

"All thanks to you." Nakul sneered.

The high held face fell at the jeer. A tear hit the rocky floor. Followed by another. Soon the vessel that had been cursing his heart out just a few minutes back was racking with sobs. He tilted his head up slightly, with remorse filled eye.

His gaze had me electrified. How remarkably it synconized with that of their wife.

The same black embered glow.
The same raw emotions
and the same look.

Jyest slowly got up and walked over to the crown prince. Holding him gently by his shoulders, he guided him to the rock besides where I sat.

"You're elder to me in relation, Yuvraj. But way younger in experience and age. Whether you like it or not. We're family now...your sister's husbands. It pains me to see you cry as such." Jyest chided sympathetically.

"B-but Rajkumar, a woman married to five men? The society will never accept such a sin." Drishtadyumna whispered. "How can I just let my sister walk this path of self-destruction?"

"If that's what this path is, self-destruction, then we'll self destruct together. If the society will not accept her, then we won't allow ourselves to be accepted either." I informed.

Bhrata Yudhishthir nodded. "Rajkumar Drishtadyumna. Your negative judgment towards us as the princes of Hastinapur is valid. Our kingdoms are sworn enemies after all...but that prejudice is against the kuru kumars. Here, we are before you not as the heirs of kuruvansh but as your sister's husbands. Her life partners and all we ask is to put some faith into us. Into this marriage."

Arjun moved forward. "We promise you, Kumar. Your sister will forever be our first priority...our strenght, our worship and our victories. We'll cherish her. I'm sure you're not aware but Kumari and we were already familiar with each other... Before Dwarka."

I carefully analyzed Prince Drishtadyumna's face as the story of our daily secret ventures in the forest flowed from Dhananjay's lips.
The emotionless face of his throughout bothered me. Just a few minutes back, a whirlwind of emotions had enveloped him but now he was completely derived of it.

A long silence stretched ... It wasn't an awkward one as I presumed it to be but rather a comforting one. A silence that felt like a quilt wrapping you up on a winter day.


My head snapped up so fast, I'm pretty sure, I heard a crack.
Five pairs of awaiting eyes glanced expectantly at Draupada (The son of Drupad).

"Berries" The firborn repeated, gently pressing his wet eyes with a cloth. "I've heard Hastinapur is famous for it delicious berries. Panchaali loves them...make sure to lavish her with it. I'll head back to the kingdom and send the royal carriage for my sister and brother-in-laws."

Getting up, he threw us one last look before marching of.


"You came back, Brother"

"I never left"

No matter how complicated it gets ,
I'll stay.

No matter how complicated it gets , I'll stay

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