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Arjun's POV:

My eyes kept stealing glances at the beauty riding beside me. Her serene glow never ceased to enchant him and her thoughts to impress him.

Subhadra and Panchaali were deep in conversation about some political matter and it honesty surprised him how much knowledge the princess born just a year before held.
A look towards his brothers confirmed that they were equally impressed. The five were ofcourse already aware of her keen intelligence from their interactions in the forest but this was the first time they heard her talk about politics. A topic the six usually avoided. Enemy kingdoms *cough* *cough*.

"Dekho. See see. How much the princess knows within a mere one year Nakul. Something you couldn't achieve with all these years in Gurukul" I teased.
The sudden comment had laughter erupting from the prince and princesses.
Nakul could all but gape and fake glare at me.

"Ofcourse Bhraata, I am nothing in front of you. You're so well versed. Just like that time when you failed Gurudevs class and were asked to stand outside the whole night on one leg" Nakul retored intensifying the chuckles.

My smug smile disappeared as soon as my secret was revealed. Making a face at my brother, I once again found myself glancing at Panchaali. My heart melted at her fond expression, giggling pleasantly. The urge to giggle myself was overwhelming.

Wait. What? Giggle? I was totally losing it.

I shook my head to clear away the thoughts and, just like that, Our eyes met. It was like time had stopped itself for us. She beamed at me and automatically I found myself smiling at her as well.

I could've forever remained lot in charcoal hues, but Shubhadra's curious gaze had me with every bit of will power turn my gaze away and continue looking ahead at the trail

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I could've forever remained lot in charcoal hues, but Shubhadra's curious gaze had me with every bit of will power turn my gaze away and continue looking ahead at the trail.

Gosh Arjun! Stop acting like a teenager will you.

Shubhadra's POV:

The loving exchange between my two friends didn't go unnoticed. 

No matter how hard I tried to not notice it.

I felt my heart squeeze..

Arjun never looked at me the way he had just looked at Panchaali.
No matter how far we came he has always viewed me as his best friend's sister or to a extent a friend. 

Always a something less than what she desired.

Whenever I even hinted romance, he shut me out, saying that the right to get married first belonged to this elder brother.

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