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"Oh, Nakulll~" Arjun called peeking behind the bushes.
His grin quickly turned into a frown as he once again failed to find, The deceased queen Madri's eldest son. He huffed as he flopped beside his three brothers who just held the same annoyed looks on their faces.

 He huffed as he flopped beside his three brothers who just held the same annoyed looks on their faces

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"I can't believe we lose again" Bheem grumbled, putting down his mace. He had shook every tree in the area in the last two hours.

"We can't blame Bharata Nakul tho, It's not exactly his fault he knows the jungle like the back of his hand" Sahadev reasoned trying to sooth his own annoyance as well

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"We can't blame Bharata Nakul tho, It's not exactly his fault he knows the jungle like the back of his hand" Sahadev reasoned trying to sooth his own annoyance as well.

"We can't blame Bharata Nakul tho, It's not exactly his fault he knows the jungle like the back of his hand" Sahadev reasoned trying to sooth his own annoyance as well

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Even Kumar Yudhisthir's face which usually held calmness today held brows tilted in ire.

Even Kumar Yudhisthir's face which usually held calmness today held brows tilted in ire

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"As proud as I am of my Anuj, Good grief, His ego seems to grow larger every day. We have to find him today, Or else he'll tease us-"


Yudhishthir's sentence dropped dead as a feminine voice was heard echoing, Fear evident in her tone.
The four Pandavas sprinted towards the direction of the voice, Their warrior skills kicking in. Worry filled their hearts. Savages? 

However when they reached the origin, boy, did a amusing site greet them.

Nakul, their brother, a gem among men. 

Was backed on the tree trunk with a few leaves in his hair and slight scratchs on his handsome face by a sword beheld by a lady! Probably the same to whom the earlier voice belonged too

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Was backed on the tree trunk with a few leaves in his hair and slight scratchs on his handsome face by a sword beheld by a lady! Probably the same to whom the earlier voice belonged too.

The brothers couldn't handle it. They burst out laughing, Practically rolling on the grounds, Clutching their stomachs. Yudhishthir the calm one of the group though standing stable had tears overflowing his eyes.

Nakul frowned, as he squinted his eyes at the familiar voice of his brother's in fake anger. He then once again lifted his gaze to the girl who by now had turned and was now slightly trembling seeing such a lot.

"More Junglee Savages," She gasped breathily as the Pandava brother's doubled over laughing this time even Nakul. I mean, Not every day someone called the great Kuruvanshi five 'JUNGLEE SAVAGES'.

"H-Have you all lost your minds? Gone mad?" The girl asked backing away scared, Even though her face was covered with a thin veil, Yudhihthir could easily make out by the look of her elegant posture, that she was a noble or somewhat related.

The eldest brother strai ghtened up as he coughed his throat clean before speaking with his trademark glinting smile.

"Honestly, you look like the mad one here, you know? Pointing swords at people." Yudhisthir stated making the girl glare at him.

"M-Mad? Me? Ha! Says the Junglee Savage!" She spoke up with a slight quiver in her voice. 

The brother's, still laughing got up from the ground.

"No Lady. W-We're not, Oh god, We're not- Junglee Savages, Relax" Dhananjay spoke, still having bouts of laughter .

The girl blinked once, and then blinked twice and for a few moments, everyone stood still. It seemed like the girl yet was absorbing the piece of news. 

Few minutes after, She then cleared her throat, sore from and that screaming and took on a more relaxed conduct straightening up, allowing the Pandava brothers to study her a bit more clearly this time.
Cladded in a rosy-pink Nauvari silk saree, with colourful and beautiful patterned linings, Her midnight black hair was tied in a bun with a bunch of daisies peeking from. To accompany the serene look was a simple but expensive gold chain, bangles, A pair of gold earrings and a plain emerald tiara with no classified stones, and an empty mang which showed her unmarried status.

 To accompany the serene look was a simple but expensive gold chain, bangles, A pair of gold earrings and a plain emerald tiara with no classified stones, and an empty mang which showed her unmarried status

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|The picture, but her face is covered by the pink veil|

"So. You won't be eating me for lunch, right?" She confirmed.

Bheem chuckled shaking his head in a 'No', The girl sighed in relief but then once again raised her sword in suspicion.

"Okay then, Who are you?"

"Okay then, Who are you?"

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