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Vidur's POV:

The blur had finally begun to clear into a visual.
I felt Mahamahim suck in his breath the moment Panchaal Naresh began narrating the events that lead to this matrimony.

So it was not some planned treachery by Panchaal. They seemed to be in the same dilemma as we are.

"Maharaj Drupad, Are we really left with no alternative than marriage?"

"I'm afraid not, Mahamantri Vidur. Trust me, I am not very keen of marrying my daughter off to five men myself."

"But it's adharma.." Pitamah whispered dejectedly burying his face in his palms.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Mahamahim."

"Vasudev." I smiled, bowing my head in respect.

"Pranipat Pitamah Bhishma, Pranipat Mahamatri Vidur. Accept my greetings, King Drupad."

"Dwarkanarsh. Padhariye.." Drupad smiled. "Aap se ek bar vichar na kar, Maan vichlit ho raha tha."

"Vasudev." Bhishma nodded. "Hope everything's well in Dwarka?"

"Everything's fine, Pitamaha and aj ke din aap mujhe Rajneeti se udas na kare. After all, it's my Sakhi's and Cousins wedding."

The room once again fell silent.

"Ek Baat Saaf ho." Pitamah begun. "I come here as a concerned grandfather, not as the general of Hastinapur. I come here to Panchaal with no enmity in my heart. Therefore lets put all generational enmity beside for now."

Taking the attentive silence as an invitation, the Son of Ganga continued.

"Tell me Vasudev, How this wedding is according to law? How a single woman marrying five men be the law?!"

"What is dharma is not always law...And is law is not always dharma."

"But the society is a kshytria's dharma and laws are the base of the society. Such a wedding will be presented as a practice to the society. Men will unwillingly marry women against their will and we will be rendered as the example to such crimes."

"A valid concern Pitamah Bhishma Honestly, I do not deem myself knowledgeable enough of discussing such a situation...Allow me to introduce a more versed person."

Saying this Yashodanandan turned towards the door with folded hands to greet the presence of Sage Vyasa.

The seating party of two shot up to greet the Maharishi.

"Pranipat Maharishi Vyasa. I am truly honoured to have a person as great as you grace the wedding of my beloved daughter. Please accept a hearty meal and offerings."

"Ayushman Bhava Maharaj Drupad. I will most certainly enjoy a meal at your humble abode. However, firstly I would like to put Mahamahim Bhishma's concerns to rest."

"I once again voice the same concern, as before, as a kshytria our first priority is the society. Thus, the society takes us as a prime example.
If the two most influential royal families of Aryavartha, Go forward with such a matrimony. It will act as a practice to be looked upon. Men will force themselves on a single woman."

"If done so, it will be rendered as crime of their behalf and adharma to the society."

"I don't understand, how this is different-"

"Its different because the union of Panduputr and Drupadkanya was something written by Gods even before their birth. You are aware of the circumstances they got married in, this is the only right decision."

"That doesn't prove that this union is according to dharma."

"Union is a strong thing, Bhishma. It's a connection of souls. A union is always dharma."

"For the society it won't be."

Vyasa chuckled. "A fisherman catching a fish, is considered right for the fisherman but wrong for the fish. In the end dharma is something craved from ones vision of the situation."

The thoughtful silence from the Hastinapur general had the Sage continuing.
"In the end, a fish is a fish. It's the vision of the fisherman that matters. Because he's the one with power. Let us be the first to accept this matrimony, my child. Everyone is bound to follow suit."

Pitamah hummed, still feeling a bit uncertainty. During this while, I decided to voice my concerns as well...

"Sage Vyasa. Are there any such instances that took place in the past? I mean, it would be assuring to know that this path would not lead to utter destruction my nephews."

Vyasa said " O Vidur ! Indeed there is one, an ancient incident..

There was a highly acclaimed Kingsage called Nitantu residing on this earth. He had five sons who were famous wielders of the bow. They are Salveya, Srutasena, Surasena, Tindusara and Atisara.

Those princes were the performers of sacrifices. They never transgressed their mutual bonding with one another. They were sweet spoken, devoid of jealousy, knowers of dharma, gentle and doers of desired actions.

In a self choice event,the daughter of Sibi called Bhaumasvi obtained the royal born kings, as her husbands. Bhaumasvi had a sweet voice like Veena notes, her voice so Divine it eould make people swoon..

She was the best among women as Drupadkanya is and she too obtained five husbands from the gods who were bulls among kings, endowed with all good qualities. Similar to the Pandavas.

Hence, To all the five kings there existed a common wife Bhaumasvi.

For five of them she got five sons.

In the same manner, the descendents Kuru, the valarous Pandavas and the Lady of Panchala, the fair Krishnaa  are destined to be together as rule the entire Aryavartha.

A satisfied wave passed through the circle.

Sage Vyasa with his words had not only assured a king, a general and a minister.

But also satisfied a father, a grandfather and an uncle.

"Now that this is all settled, I believe we have a wedding to attend!" Krishna piped.

a/n: yay! IM BACK!
next update on monday :)

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