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"A lovely Putr and Putri, Is what I wish for" the silvery voice of Panchaal Naresh spoke up as the two great rishis Yaaj and Upyaaj chanted some holy mantras causing the fire to grow higher.

Shikhandini smiled with a look of satisfaction. Their dynasty was expanding. She eagerly awaited her siblings.
Sitting on her throne which was on the far left she watched her father add more sacrifices to the holy yagna. It burned brighter with every passing minute.

"A son!" Drupad bellowed. "A son who will be a peerless warrior and a gem among men. A man who will make his valour and his family the base of his life. Such Putr is what I desire, Oh great lords!"

Sacred hymns followed the last item of sacrifice.
Hymns were chanted, Obligations were made and soon enough a handsome, strapping young lad arose from the flames. 

Sheathed in golden armour and occupant of divine weapons

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Sheathed in golden armour and occupant of divine weapons. The gods showered their blessings as, The Mighty Dhrishtadyumna, stepped on earth.

Drupad's joys knew no bounds as he hugged his son with moist eyes. The fire born readily reciprocated the sweet gesture.

"He!" Rishi Upyaaj chanted, "He will be a brave warrior, and play a major role for the better good of the world. The very reason for Dronacharya's death!"

Hearing this Drupad, just chuckled turning back to his newborn son, he placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Dronacharya is an ally to Hastinapur, The teacher of the 105 princes there. It is no doubt a fact known to the whole Aryavartha, that Hastinapur is a long-time Enemy of Panchaal. I am proud to have a son who will slaughter a man such as Drona and bring honour to our dynasty!"

"Go my boy, Take the blessings of your elder sister. A blessing from such a great warrior as her is pure luck." Drupad smiled as he pointed towards his Elder Daughter who blessed and hugged her fire-born brother as he touched her feet. 

'Maharaj Drupad!-' Rishi Yaaj interrupted drawing everyone's attention back to him.

Now for your Daughter!

Now for your Daughter!

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