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Third Person's Pov

The five brothers rode in silence.
A eerie tense was heavy in the atmosphere.
The Pandavas and the Kauravas had yet again gotten into a fight!

Thet had all they went to a battle with a neighboring kingdom which Hastinapur had won but afterward, when everyone was tending to wounds and relaxing, Dusshasan in his intoxicated state had grandly announced, how great the Kauravas were compared to the Pandavas.

The five brothers did wise, kept their mouths shut but the drunken Kauravas except for the peace-loving Vikarna and Yuyutsu had all voiced their agreements on Dushassan's speech.
The Pandavas had decided to quietly leave the site without any unnecessary drama when Duryodhan had stood up on the top of the table and with full vigor mocked Yudhisthir for being such a poor warrior, wielding a 'STICK' as a weapon. The insult was contained by the calm eldest, who seeing his younger brothers getting slowly riled had reasoned.

"Duryodhan, It's been a long day, We've all done well in this war. The king will be proud of us. Let us not stir up a fight"

"Ha! Pitashree most certainly will be proud of us Kauravas, but you! You all are nothing but vermins of the jungle. Wandered into the palace with the germs of your un-chaste father and his dead second wife. YOU'RE JUST HERE TO STEAL THE THRONE, WHICH IS RIGHTFULLY MINE!" Duryodhan boomed as he spit at the feet of the eldest Pandava and then, well- take a guess.

An average warrior tent with 105 men minus three all pointing weapons at each other's throat, shouting, insults, and threats, and at last, Yudhisthir had dragged the other four out of there and had set off to Dwarka a few hours early.

Their cousins too were to go, but would probably set out later onwards, and besides it would do them good being away from the Kauravas for an hour or two. 

As usual, it was Vrikodar to break the silence.

"So, I heard, Mata's looking for uh- Brides"

And of course this gained the attention of all the brothers, Yudhisthir nodded and the rest gaped.

"B-but why? What would we need brides for?" Nakul sputtered. 

"Why to perform satanic rituals, of course, why else Nakul, Definitely to not marry." Bheem retorted watching Nakul blush a deep shade of crimson.

"Bhraatashree! That's rude. What I simply meant was why are we to get married? Mata knows that I am in no mood for marriage right now" Nakul whined.

"Arey mere pyare anuj, hame gyat hai ki tumhari iss badsurat shakal se toh tumhe puri zindegi kumar hi rehna hai, isiliye tum is vishae pe apne aap ko chintit na hi karo toh acha hai." Arjun teased. Bheem snickered and nodded his agreement to which Sahadev and Yudhisthir snorted.

Seeing himself turning into a lamb of slaughter Nakul decided to turned the conversation in his power. 

"Yes Bhraata Arjun, I don't have to worry on this matter but neither do you. Filhal app apni chinta kijiye. Subhadra jiji will so happy to see you~'

Arjun huffed, his cheeks turning as red as Sahadev's angvastra. 

Before he could bite back, Yudhisthir intervened. Dwarka had come to view.

"Alright, kids, calm down. We're here. Be on your best behavior. I'm warning you" Sarcasm hung on each word of Dharmaraj making the four cringe. As they neared the castle they made out the outline of their cousin, Krishn standing in front of the entrance ... arguing?  With a lady? Ofcourse. Hamre pyare, typical Vasudev.

As they neared the duo, A stiff, unravelling sense soared within the brothers.

It was the girl.

Definitely. There was something familiar about her. Her Posture, Her way of talking, Her chirpy voice and shite, her eyes .... Those eyes. Everything could have been faked ... but not those EYES , never those deep charcoal eyes always burning with such emotions and intensity. 

And when those eyes landed on them and all the emotions in them were replaced with pure shock. 

"Oh, you're here!" Krishna chirped, looking between the Pandava's and Panchaali.

"Allow me to introduce"

"Krishnaa, These are my cousins. The princes of Hastinapur. The great Pandavas. Bhraata Yudhishthir, Bhraata Bheem, Sakha Arjun and Priye Nakul and Sahadev"


"Brothers, this is the universal beauty Panchaali Draupadi. Daughter of Drupad. Princess of Panchaal. And my best friend"

Oh shit. 

Oh shit indeed.

(a/n: weekly updates from now on. pukka promise. yours truly. diya)

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