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Draupadi's POV:

I could feel the numerous eyes on me as I moved to the beat but my eyes?
My eyes only looked at them looking oh so radiant in their rich, silk angavastra. Standing tall and proud as a royal should.
She was mad. Oh yes.
Very mad at them. Even hurt if she was honest but that didn't change the fact that they were still gorgeous. And HOT.

Hush Panchaali, I scolded myself, blushing at the thought.
Just then the song came to an end, and without a second thought I bowed, and ran. Ignoring all the praises and comments, I fled out of the ceremony to the gardens of Dwarka still pink in the face.
What was wrong with me?!
Taking a deep breath I sat down on a bench. Those damn pandavas!

"Water, Princess?" The deep husky voice of Rajkumar Sahadev bought me out of my eerie.

'Shaitan ka naam Liya aur shaitan hazir', my brain mocked.
Faking a smile, I accepted the glass.
No sooner the rest of Pandava brothers had too joined us. They're faces were impassive as they approached me and Sahadev.

A sudden bolt of anger shot through me.
How come they were so composed while I'm here all messed up?!

"Arey, Rajkumar, Silly me. Please have a seat! Would you like me to get you something?" I asked in a harsh, formal tone.

I heard them sigh and maybe two of the even groaned in frustration.
Ha! I smirked in success, of finally getting an emotional out of them.

But the formality seemed to have irked them further cause found my rigid posture squirming under their intense gaze withing the next few seconds. They continued to stare at me and moved closer.
I could feel my face heating up and I thanked the lords once again for the dim lighting of the garden.

"Malini-, no. Panchaali, We're sorry. We're sorry we didn't tell you the truth. We're sorry we kept such a big secret from you." Nakul stated squeezing my hand in his. His eyes shining with sincerity.
And just as that all the previous minute anger went down the drain. My heart squeezed painfully as I stared back into the eyes of my friend.
My five best friends had turned out to be my enemies. Sworn political enemies.

Them, who at the moment she couldn't imagine a life without.
It was a bit dramatic. Draupadi had to admit, but the heart wants what it wants and her heart? It yearned for them.

Tears stung her eyes, and rolled down her cheeks. The fireborn could all but cuss herself for being so illogical and emotional but the thought of never meeting them again killed something inside her. She couldn't bring herself to withdraw her hand from Nakul's warm ones, Instead she held on to it tight as if he would dissolve any moment.
This was the final farewell, wasn't it?

Bheem's POV:

He was known for his strength.
For crushing mountains into pieces with one blow, For killing thousands with a swing of his mace and yet seeing this women, the Princess of Panchal cry made him weak in the knees. He hated seeing those tears rolling down her cheeks, her hated himself even more for being the cause.

Panic surged through me and my brothers. We all shared a quick lost look. We were warriors, princes, royalty we knew a lot but practically knew nothing about the opposite sex. Especially a crying opposite sex. Heck, they themselves were still a crying to their mother lot.

We surrounded the princess and tried our best to console the princess but avail more tears rolled out.
I started to panic and looked around for something to cheer her up, then, suddenly I don't know what came over me but I just dipped my hand in my jholi, pulled out a besan ladoo and stuffed it in her mouth muffling her cries.

For moment she just started at me.
My brother's stared at me.
And I stared at the mango tree.

"Mhm..the mangos looking really good today." I whistled.

More staring.
And then laughter.
It first came from Malini, it was a choked one muffled by the ladoo followed by Nakul and Sahadev. Arjun and Bhraata Yudhisthir were not far behind.

Soon enough, the six royals were in tears, clutching their stomachs and  shaking on the ground laughing till their throats were sore. After what seemed like hours, the laughter came to a end. A comfortable silence stretched between the royals sitting on the ground.

"Let's begin anew" It was Bhraata Yudhisthir's voice that broke our peace bubble. 
"Let's begin anew" He repeated, this time looking directly towards Malini.

Standing up, he walked towards her and put his hand forward for a shake.

"Hi. I'm Pandu Putr, Yudhisthir. Will you be my friend, O' Princess of Panchaal?"

All of our gazes landed on the girl, who stared softly at the hand.


"Hi Yudhisthir. I'm Panchaali Draupadi. I'd love to be your friend"

(a/n: im- nvm. i don't even have a good excuse. if ur still reading this story. hats off to you and thank you... TwT)


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