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Yudhishthir's POV:

"Damn" Nakul whistled, looking outside the carriage window. "I've gotta admit, Panchaal cleans up pretty well."

I just simply smiled at the comment. Though, it was clear as day to anyone, how cherished the youngest heir of the Panchala vansh was. The whole of Kampilya had been adorned with lavish decorations.

Besides our carriage moved a palkie withholding our wife.

We pass by the town square. At the very center, are three glimmering gold statues of warriors. Standing high and mighty with a emerald laden sword in hand.

"Jyest? Who are these men, to whom, such extravagant statues are dedicated to?"

"The Panchala dynasty has come a long way, Bheem. Since the beginning, Panchaal and Hastinapur have been the most powerful kingdoms to rule over the land. These are the brothers, Pratiswa, Kampilya and Srnjaya. They are the original foundation of the Panchaal rajya."

"That's right. This vansh similar to kuru have come a long way." Sahadev nodded, his expression going grim. He took a deep breath as if debating whether to speak his next sentence or not. "But that's what worries me the most, Jyest. Both dynasties equally powerful and sworn enemies. Chalo, Panchaal agreed to this marriage because their daughter's life was in question but will our family do the same? Will the ever accept a bride to five? A Bride with Panchala blood nonetheless."

A silence befell.
Sahadev spoke nothing but the truth...They were all aware that how their wife's family had reacted was not even quarter of how theirs will. And any small uncalcated step by them, could trigger the parties and lead to war.

That definitely couldn't be.

The carriage came to a slow stop infront of the royal palace of Panchaal pulling the five brothers of their chain of thoughts.
Enormous is size and width, the architecture was laden head to toe with gold and rubies.

Nakul jumped out first and quickly hurried over to hold a hand towards their wife. Helping her down the carriage.

At this, I just couldn't help but let a quite chuckle.

Nakul since his youth days only seemed to be reminded of basic courtesy when a beautiful woman was in question. Here, their wife.

Arjun, Bheem and Sahadev exchanged smirking glances.

How ever Panchaali will handle all our ragingly polar personalities, was beyond me.

"Panduputron." The deep voice of King Drupad making his way down the stairs reached our ears.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Arjun's arm swiftly reach upward and comb through his hair. Sahadev readjusted his bazuband, and Bheem dusted of his angavastra.

A gutting feeling of self consciousness hit me. The want to look good infront of your wife's father unfurled within. Clearing my throat discreetly, I too tried my best to smooth down my crumpled angavastra of two days.

"Pranipat Maharaj Drupad." We greeted  collectively.

"Baba!" Panchaali exclaimed. Running to wrap his arms around her father.

Automatically a smile graced all our faces. The attracting innocence of Malini felt unreal sometimes.

Maharaj Drupad's hand wrapped around his daughter. His eyes closing in relief. Tears rolled down his face as he pressed a kiss to Draupadi's forehead.

"Putri, Come." Drupad guided. Ordering a maid to draw a rose bath for the princess.

Panchaali glanced towards us hesitantly. I gave her a reassuring nod, that we'll be right here. Nodding back, her silhouette disappeared within the hallways of the palace.

"Panduputron. It's evident how tired you are. We've organized a room with all required refreshments and prepared a bath as well. Kindly come in. We'll converse about tommorow's wedding preparation later during meal time today."

"We're in your grace, my lord." I bowed. My brothers followed suit.


"Honestly speaking. The hot water was just the thing my spine needed after two days of such chaos" Arjun mumbled, cuddling his silk pillow.

Next to his bed was Bheem's, who was currently very invested in digging through the namkeen basket and Lassi.

Nakul was in the veranda. Sharpening his sword while Sahadev lay on the swing looking at his elder brother eat with a amused expression.

My hands currently scribbled through a parchment. A letter to be precise. A letter to his family. A invitation to attend their wedding tommorow ... I thought if I should explain our situation but decided that it would be better to talk face-to-face anyways.

Signing the letter. I handed it over to my little brother who instantly called for our messanger bird, Hukum, and ordered it to be delivered to Pitamah.

I sighed, slumping down besides Sahadev on the swing. "It'll be okay, right Dev?"

Sahadev just smiled. "As long as we're together. It always will be in the end..."

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