Goodbye Anna

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Elsa's POV

Death is a lot to think about. Especially for a 18 year old. To kids we may seem old, but we're young. Too young to start think about death. Well how would you feel if you had nearly killed your sister when you were 8?

I have ice an snow powers. I almost killed her when we were playing. Now I have to try to hide my powers and control them, but until I do, I can't see Anna. I'll hurt her. I'm a monster. It doesn't help that she kept knocking on the door.

Kept. She stopped after 9 years. Her singing was the only thing that would give me comfort, but then she stopped. For a while.

But a month after she did, my parents died trying to get to Corona, there was a big storm and they didn't make it back. I spent all my days thinking and crying. I was losing conrtol of my power and I would hurt someone. So I can't do it anymore.

Time to say goodbye to Anna.

I ran to Anna's room careful not to ice anything over. She was still awake playing with the dolls we played with 10 years ago. She looked up and her eyes widened with surprise. She ran to me and hugged me. I looked at her face and they were glistening with tears.

"Anna, you know that I love you right?"

She lookd up and nodded, "I'll hurt people. i have to go away. I can't tell you why, but it was because I couldn't come out of my room. But I have to go. So you can have a proper life."


I shook my head and was about to leave when I turned back to her, "Believe in me when I say I'll always love you," and just as I shut the door, I heard her reply.

"I'll always believe in you Elsa."

I sprinted back to my room and let out a big burst of ice. I calmed down but tears still stained my face. I had to. I couldn't put her through more pain than I had already cause her.

But how do you think this will affect her? This may cause her more pain.

It's better than killing her.

It may kill her

I have already caused pain. I know what I'm doing. She will get over this, she can open the gate. She can have aproper life.

With that, I opened the door to the balcony and looked up at the moon in the night sky. As I created a knife made from ice, Anna's words ringing in my mind, "I'll always believe in you Elsa."

Tears were freezing on my cheek and I knew it was time, "somebody, look after Anna." I whispered quietly, and with that, the kingdom would have to wait many more years for a new queen of Arendelle. But does anyone know what happens after death?

Heaven, Hell, nothing darkness. Well, they're right all of them.

It feels like your in Heaven, being free, but also Hell. You're trapped and can never go back to the other world. You can imagain a better world in death, but when you wake up, it's just dark. Hwever, that's were most people are left.

But not me.

Some time later, I was lifted from ice knowing nothing. Who am I? What's going on? And why if I whisk y hand I bring out ice and pink sand? All I knew where snipets of my past. Not my name or who I was. But the things I did remember, I don't want to share.

It was dark, it was cold, and I was scared, but then I saw the moon. It was so big, so bright, it chased the darkness away, and I wasn't scared anymore.

"You are Elsa Cupid." The moon told me, but that was all it ever told me, and that was a long, long, long time ago.

Anna's POV

I didn't understand what Elsa was saying, she said she was leaving, but the kingdom needs her, the people need her. I need her. So I ran after her surprised to see a trail of ice behind her. She locked her door so I decided to wait until she came out.

After 2 hours, I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down the door and ran in to see Esa, an ice knife and blood. Elsa's lifeless bdy was clutching the dagged and the blood was flowing from her.

She did this to herself?

For me?

I cried and cried for hours on end thinking that this was all my faut, but then Elsa told me she loved me and I promised I would believe in her.

"Good luck Elsa. I will carry on for you."


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