I'm a monster

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Elsa's POV

I was in the middle of spreading love around the world when the nothern lights went  off. I was hesitent, but still went. The kids need us, and if they're in trouble, I have to help them. So I used my bow to fly and got to the North pole in a matter of seconds just in time to see the others arrive. Jack gave me a cold glare. I felt frost suddenly grow under my feet.

I felt an arm on my shoulder and saw Tooth smiling sadly at me. I nodded at her and gave a small fake smile. Then I felt a prescance next to me. A cold one and I knew that it was Jack.

He went near my ear and whispered so no one else could hear, "stay out of my way or you will regret it."

He started to walk away and snowflakes started to fall. I felt my eyes moisten and quickly wiped my tears away, I took a deep breath and calmed down, "conceal, don't feel." I said then North started to talk.

"Pitch has been getting stronger, so we need to train. If he enters you're dream fight him off. You have to tell us if he comes ok?"

"Nor-" I began but was interrupted.

"When're we going to start training?" Jack said glaring at me. I bit back my tounge and lowered my head. I felt everyone's eyes on me and looked up.

"Are you okay Elsa? Has Pitch visited you?" Bunny asked.

I gulped and shook my head. I can't tell them. I can't let them know, "can we just start?" I asked holding back tears. Jack just scoffed but the others nodded. We went to the globe room and a lot of things were set up, we were going to put in pairs.

.Tooth and Bunny.

.North and Sandy

.And unfortunatley, me and Jack.

"Can I have a different partner?" Jack asked disgusted. I glared at him and froze his feet to the floor, "so that's how you're gonna play Cupid, fine, we'll play." Jack said with a look of murder in his eyes.

Now I was scared.

20 minutes later

"Jack stop! You might kill her!" Tooth yelled in panic. I was up against a wall bloody, with ice spikes holding me up and one pointed at my neck. Jack just ignored her and stared at me with murder, I didnt want to do it, but he would've killed me, it shouldn't've hurt him. But it did.

I got a hand free and sparks of ice flew. I heard a small thump and saw where I had hit Jack. I........ I...... I hit him in the heart..........

Jack's POV

One minute I was ready to kill Elsa, the next I felt cold. I never feel cold. I fell to the floor holding my chest. I started to breath heavily. This could only mean one thing, the little b*tch shot me with ice. I groaned an she looked up with fear in her eyes.

"You're a monster! A MONSTER!" I yelled as I started to feel dizzy.

However, eventhough I called her a monster, she ran to my side to try to aid me. I kept telling her to leave me alone, but she wouldn't.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She repeated over and over again as she sprinkled some pink and white dust over me, "The ice will stop moving, butGranpabbie has to take it out."

"Why, are you helping me?" I said in spite and confusion.

"It's my fault, and just because you hate me doesn't mean I houldn't help." She replied refusing to look at me in the eye. That was when I saw the Guardians cowering back in fear.

And I was happy. She may be helping me, but she is still a monster who deserves to be feared.

Slowly, she followed my gaze to the guardians and her eyes started to water as she saw them. She tried to take a step toward them, but they moved back without thinking and as soon as they realized what they had done, it was too late,  she had run off leaving me with a smirk on my face.

Elsa's POV

I...... I can't take it anymore. I....... I can't help anyone, I nearly killed Jack, I'm a monster, a demon, part of the darkness. The cold and the dark runs through my viens just like Pitch had said.

Elsa, there's always light. I heard that voice again. But it was no use. I'm hated, I'm a monster, and I'm scared. I'm terrified, there's only one person that can help me.......................

"I had a feeling you needed me." Said a voice from the shadows.

A/N Hi guys, sorry for the late update but I have been really busy with homework, hope you're enjoying this book and I am really thankful for 66 followers. I remember when I wasstill on the first chapter of "The warm Cold" I love all you guys for all your support once again, thanks.


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