why do you care (filler)

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Jack's POV

DJ was showing me the way up the North mountain, but I still had no idea what we were looking for. For all I know it could be something that hurts Elsa even more, but then Rapunzel wouldn't get a cure for the ice, which brings DJ and I to our next conversation topic.

"So DJ, why do you care so much about Rapunzel?" I asked him, he scowled at the floor and wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Why do you care for Elsa?" He spat back at me glaring at me with hatred in his cold dark eyes. I gripped onto my staff tighter but would not let my anger out, I would not give him that pleasure of letting him see a nerve.

"I mean, when she came you hated her, I mean, I know I'm your dark side. So how did you come to love her? You would've like to see her drop de-"

I blasted him with snow to knock him of is feet and he nearly fell off the mountain cliff.

"That was before I saw what she had been through!" I snapped pointing my staff at his neck, "that was before I knew that I couldn't afford to hate her!! That I couldn't live my life without her!!!!"

I breathed heavily and brought my staff to my side controlling my anger, "lets just go." I said turning away from him and trudging through the snow as I continued to climb the mountain.

"Remind me again why we can't fly?!" I said coldly not looking at DJ.

He sighed but answered, "The North Mountain is sacred Jack, it's been standing for over 1000 years and in the past was used to give and draw power to the land. It wouldn't let us fly over it even if we wanted to."

I rolled my eyes but carried on walking until night fell and I heard growls.


A/N Guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated then I give you this, but I'm really sorry and I will make it up to you. Promise.

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