I'm not hurting people!!!!!

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Jack's POV

Great. That is exactly how I feel. I feel powerful, I feel strong and no one can stop me. Ever since I turned dark, I have enjoyed people's pain. I've enjoyed people's fear.

But Elsa...... I don't know, she's changing. It's been a few weeks, but she's not as happy turning dreams cold or turning them into nightmares. But she'll get over it.

Pitch, Elsa and I were on our nightly trip to give kids nightmares, we seperated so we could cover more ground. I found a little girl who was dreamin of herself and her mother. I smirked and was about to freeze the dream when I saw Elsa. I could always go back.

I stayed quiet so she wouldn't know that I was there. She was standing over a boy, Jamie I think. Anyway, he was alread having a nightmare. He was squirming in his sleep and laughed. But Elsa didn't.

In the boy's dream, he was slowly losing his sister. Elsa's eyes were wt and before I could do anything to stop her, she added red sand to the dream. Jamie's sister got better and they were celebrating. I was furious.

I pulled Elsa out of the house and was about to freeze the dream when Elsa stopped me.

"He's a child, he doesn't deserve to lose his sister, even in a dream." She said glaring at me. I frowned and pushed her aside to try and freeze it again. However, she did the stupidest thing that could ever be imagained, she got in the way and I hit her with ice. In the heart.

She dropped to the floor holding her chest breathing heavily. My eyes widened and I picked her up holding her in my arms.


Her breathing was getting heavier and she was getting cold, "please be okay." I said burying my head in her neck with black water dripping down my face. Just because I was evil, didn't mean I couldn't hold onto love.

"Never thought you were one to cry Frost." I heard Elsa chuckle. I sighed in relief and pulled her into a proper embrace. Then I noticed, a strand of her hair was white.

"Elsa, your hair is turning white." I said. She gasped and tried to get it in front of her. She looked worried, but I used some power to make it look black.

"Don't tell Pitch." She whispered with a hint of fear in her voice. I nodded and kissed her forehead. I wont let anyone hurt her. She's my world-

No she's not

Yes she is

She made me evil.

So? You still love her.

No I don't!

Admit it!


The battle in my head soon ended and we had to get back to Pitch's lair. I carried Elsa bridal style since she can't fly without her bow and Pitch took it. When we got back, we were met with a really angry Pitch.


Wow, he was p*ssed.

"I'm not hurting kids. They're innocent Pitch. Can't you do it to grown ups?!?!" she shouted.

"You should've kept Jamie's dream a nightmare!!!!" Pitch yelled changing the subject while I stayed in the corner unsure which team I should be on.

Elsa stood to her full height and ice shot out of her hands towards a wall, "I FELT JAMIE'S PAIN!!!!! I DON'T KNOW HOW AND I DON'T KNOW WHEN, BUT I KNOW I LOST SOMEONE I CARED FOR!!!!!!!!" She yelled at the top of her voice.

Pitch didn't like that and slapped her with suchforce she ent tumbling to the ground clutching her cheek, "one day, people are going to realize that being is afraid is okay, that they need fear. Then they won't need you!" She spat.

Pitch hit her again and commanded me to get him out of his sight. I pulled her to my room so we could talk, "Elsa, you know better than to aggrivate Pitch!" She frowned at me.

"I'm not gonna let innocent kids get hurt." She said. But then she fell to the floor and let out a small yelp.

"Elsa?" I spoke kneeling down to her. I held her in my arms and kissed her forehead. Then I felt her stirr.

"I'm fine Jack." She told me smiling. But I frowned, another strand of hair turned white. I tucked it behind her ear and leaned in and kissed her.

Elsa's POV

The cold in my heart passed as soon as I felt Jack's lips on mine. I brought my arms around his neck and he had his hands on my waist. I felt a tear drop from my face onto Jack's. He picked me up not breaking the kiss and placed me on the bed. (A/N Don't worry, it won't get that far all you dirty minded folk.)

He crawled onto of me kissing me again. His lips went down to my neck, but I felt something in me lift, then I realized our position. I tired pushing Jack off, but he wouldn't. I yelped as he began to suck my neck.

"Jack. Stop." But he didn't. I took a deep breath and forced him to look at me. He had a shocked expression on his face, but before he could say anything, I kissed him.

Now I was back to normal, I don't know why I did it, but I liked it. After a few minutes, I felt Jack hold my cheek and kiss back slowly. When we pulled away, I saw his appearance. His hair was turning to white to black, like mine.

He grabbed his hair, I couldn't watch, I heared grunting and yelling, so when I looked again, Jack was pulling something from his body. With a worried face, I stepped back. Then I saw the craziest thing.

Jack was pulling another thing out of him. The dark his I accidently turned him into. He wa staking conrtol and taking the evil out.

After minutes of watching this, The dark Jack (just gonna call him DJ) was out and Jack was exhausted on the floor. DJ was coming closer to me as I walked back. I hit the wall and closed my eyes letting frost crawl up the walls.

I felt a hand around my waist, another hand holding up my hands and a cold pair of lips on mine that made me feel sick. I let a few tears escape my eyes and waited for it to be over.

I heard a crash and DJ let go of me. I saw Jack holding a broken chair as I slid down the wall holding my knees silently crying with ice growing on the floor.

I felt arms around me and saw that it was Jack in an attempt to comfort me. I buried my head in his chest and he placed his chin on my head. I let tears slip as Jack was shushing me telling me it would be alright.

"Jack?" I said making him look at me.


I turned to him and put a hand to his cheek. The next thing startled both of us. I put my lips on his and was going to pull away, but Jack put a hand on the back of my head as I put my hands on his chest. After a few seconds, he rested his forehead on mine as we both froze breathless.

"Elsa, I have to tell you something." He said holding my chin so I could look at him.

"At first, I hated you. I thought you would try to take believers away from me. But now, after I learnt about your past and what we've both been through, I have to tell you..... Tell you..."

"What is it Jack?" I said placing a hand on his cheek. He got my other hand and placed it on his heart.

"I think.... I think I love you."

A/N Hi guys, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, Jelsa finally happened, but what next? This story is just getting good. I'm gonna put my fav Jelsa vids in the media. Thank you all for reading and thanks for all the support and over 80 followers, you don't know how grateful back now.

You guys are the best and I know I couldn't get this far without you.

The video is jelsa. the song: counting stars by OneRepublic

Thank you


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