Elsa meeting Pitch

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Elsa's POV

It was nearly midnight and I was still crying. I remembered my sister and the pain my powers caused me. I'm supposed to bring love and happiness, but I myself am lonely and sad. I guess that I'll just have to stay alone. Again. I was still crying when I felt a shadow in front of me. I tried moving back but my back hit the wall.

"Hello Elsa Cupid." Said the strange man infront of me.

"Who are you?" I said scared making ice rise on the walls.

"Do not be scared child, I am Pitch Balck. I have been on this planet longer than you will imagaine and I know what it feels like to be alone." He smiled at me when I looked up, "If you ever need me, call through the shadows."

With that, the Guardians burst through the doors as Pitch dissappeared leaving a pile of black sand where he stood. Bunny and North examined the sand showing it to Sandy while Tooth hugged me thinking that I needed comfort, and Jack. He stood smirking.

"Elsa, calm down, ice is everywhere." Tooth whispered to me, but apparently, Jack heard.

"She can't Tooth, sh's a monster." That stopped me. I stopd fozen with my eyes getting wet. I buried myself in Tooth's embrace and slowly let the tears fall down tuning to ice and shattering on the floor. The boys looked at me concerned and Tooth glared at Jack.

"Get out Jack!" She said sternly, he stood arms folded, "You don't know her past! You don't know what she has been through and what she has done to make things better! GET OUT JACK!" Tooth screamed.

"WHY IS SHE SO SPECIAL, SHE IS JUST A MONSTER THAT CAN'T CONTROL HER POWERS!" With that, he slammed the door leaving me crying.

Why does he hate me?

Jack's POV

I hate that girl. She is an idiotic, selfish, brat. She has everything she wants and probably never had a problem in the world while I had to fight Pitch and get people to believe in me. She has to get out of my life.

Elsa Cupid, you will pay.

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