Following a................. Bow?

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300 years later

Elsa's POV

I was in the middle of bringing love trouble and snow to the world when I felt something pull my bow away. I was cupid after all. Anyway, I tried to get my bow back, but it kept pulling away from me so I had no choice but to follow it. However, without it, I would have to ride the the wind.

After a few hours of flying, I ended up in the North Pole. I hadn't noticed but the Northern lights were on calling the rest of the Guardians: North, Sandy, Bunny, Tooth and the most famous, Jack Frost. This must be a big deal, so I decided to have a look.

Jack's POV

It was the middle of the night when the lights went off. I was bored and had nothing better to do so I hurried up to see what the commotion was all about.

When I reached there, Tooth was busy with her fairies, Sandy was still casting a few dreams, Bunny was painting and egg and North was pacing. I had nothing to do so just leaned on my staff.

"What's up Christmas ma?" I said smiling.

North frowned at me and made everyone quiet down. He stared at the globe for a while but then focused his eyes on the podium where Manny would make announcements.

"Many told me Pitch is back," North spoke. We all gasped and I angrily let out some ice, everyone looked shocked but North continued, "He also wishes to choose a new Guardian."

I frowned and was bored again. Until blue light shone on the podium. After a matter of seconds, it showed a beautiful girl with pale skin, platinum white hair and blue eyes. It showed her pulling a few pranks and a bow at her side.

Tooth said "Cu-"

But was then interrupted by an angry shout, "Hey Phil let me go! I wasn't gonna cause trouble!"

We all turned to see a young girl being held by the shoulders by Phil. I had to hold in a laugh, I remember when that was me, but then I looked at her. She was the girl in the light and I suddenly grew angry. No way was she stealing believers from me.

Elsa's POV

I was just listening to their conversation and as Tooth was about to say the name of the new Guardian, I got caught by Phil.

"Hey Phil let me go! I wasn't gonna cause trouble."

He just grunted and pulled me out of my hiding space for all the Guardians to see me. Jack Frost was studying me, but then I thought at a chance to sneak a look at the new Guardian. It was...... Me!?!?!? No way. I'm a trouble maker, a teenage belief. Nothing more.

"Who might you be?" A gruff Australian voice spoke.

"Nice to see you too Bunny." I said sarcastically. I turned and saw Sandy making sand pictures which I could read easily. He said, Elsa, you have a lot of nerve coming here. Remember the last time you snuck in?

"I wasn't gonna cause trouble, I put the work shop in ice for like 10 minutes and you still haven't let t go? It was 100 years ago."

"You kep't it in ice for 10 years Elsa. And it was 100 years ago." North said. I gave an innocent face but he wasn't buying it. "My bow brought me here." I argued.

"What's your full name?" Tooth asked anxiously.

I lowered my head, "I only know what Manny told me. He said my name was Elsa Cupid."

"WE FOUND THE GUARDIAN!!!!!!" They all shouted happily except for Jack.

He walked around me like a vulture would it's prey. His blue eyes were staring a holw into my body as if he were disgusted by me, "so what powers do you have Cupid?"

"Elsa. I can control love, I am a great shot with a bow and have i......." I trailed off and gulped. I didn't want him to know of my ice power. He may think of me as a threat and I didn't want to be a monster again. Yes I remember my sister. Not her name, not her face, just what I did.

"What can you do for children?" He asked like this was an interrogation.

Tears were about to fall down my face but I stood strong, "I don't remember my time as a child, but I like bringing them happiness and light. Something I never had."

He looked confused so Ii told him, "Manny didn't take all of my memories, bu the ones I have left are filled with holes."

He shook his head and frowned when North spoke up, "Tooth, give her, her memories."

"NO!" I shouted and a little ice spread, "I don't want to remember!" I spoke with tears in my eyes, "I'm not a Guardian, I can't help kids. I'm sorry" I said trying to leave.

But Jack blocked me off, "what do you remember?" He said with a smirk on his face. I lowered my head and a tear turned to solid ice as it slid down my cheek. Luckily he didn't notice.

"Please, just leave me be. The memories hurt."

He didn't look convinced but before I could leave, Sandy came my way. Elsa, at least give it a try. I smiled at him and nodded. He was always there. Him and north were my only friends. They helped me keep Pitch away.

"North, which room. I'm giving it a few weeks." They all looked relieved. But not Jack.

Jack's POV

Why Sandy? Really? Why? She's just a show off who gives love. I give fun to children and help make them happy. All she does is shoot them with arrows. I walked to my room and slammed the door shut. However, as I landed on my bed, I saw frost creeping up the walls.

But this wasn't me, but I also heard quiet crying next door.

Oh Elsa, you don't know who you've messed with. You may have my powers, but you can't control them, you're just a monster.

?????'s POV

Thank you Jack. You're doing my job for me. Soon, she will be crawling to me for help. Keep thinking you're a monster Elsa. Ii made you think it once after you shot your sister in the head. Watch out Elsa. The boogie man's coming.

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