I want to help

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I can’t stand around and do nothing anymore. You should’ve seen her face, you should’ve seen the cuts and bruises, the pain marked on her face. And I helped cause it. I don’t know what I feel, but…… I feel like when I see her in pain, I’m in pain.

I can’t believe Frosty boy didn’t feel this way before, well, I have an excuse, I’m his dark side and if he hated her, then I have to as well.

But now, I feel a pain in my chest hearing her whimpers as she was chained up in the dungeon.

I desperately wanted to go down there and free her, but Pitch would kill me before I even had a chance to get close, and I only have two more weeks to turn her. Or she’ll die.

I sighed and walked to my room hitting the wall.

What do I do?

What can I do?

I… I know, but it means that I could lose her forever. I have to get help, I have to get the Guardians in.

Jack’s POV

My head was aching as I opened my eyes to see everyone surrounding me. Their eyes were filled with worry, but I was able to sit up which made the others jump back.

“Is Elsa back?” I asked with hope.

However their silence told me my answer. My head lowered and I felt a tear escaped my eyes. Anna and Bunny were right there to comfort me.

“I have to look for her. I have to get her back.” I got up but my legs felt wobbly and I nearly fell to the floor.

I shook my head, grabbed my staff and used it to hoist myself up. I sighed but then a loud crash was heard from the globe room. I flew and saw the person for Elsa’s disappearance. DJ.

“What are you doing here?!” I spat pointing my staff at him menacingly.

He put his hands up, smirked and hopped off the globe and right in front of me, “Put it down Frost. I want to help.”

I scoffed but was still curious. He was at risk coming here if what he said was the truth, so why?

“Why? Elsa means nothing to you does she? You hurt her, you took her away from me an-“

He cut me off, “and I’m sorry for that. Elsa, she’s different…….. I need to help her get free. I want to bring her back to you.”

I was gobsmacked. Well wouldn’t you be too if your dark self almost killed you, took the one you love, hurt them, then say they want to help them?

Well, for Elsa’s sake, I’m going to believe i. I need some hope that I’ll see her again. I need some hope that she’ll be safe.

I hesitated but eventually began to nod, “do anything to help her. Please, bring her back to us. To her sister. To me.”

He nodded and began to go through his sand portal, “I will tell you the plan soon enough brother.”

I stayed still as I watched him leave through his portal. I am going to get you back soon Elsa, I’m going to make sure no one ever hurts you again.

Elsa’s POV

“YOU’RE A MONSTER!!!!!!” Pitch yelled at me. I shook my head and kept it down. I wasn’t a monster. I wasn’t a monster.

But the word monster repeated in my mind.

“You froze your sister’s head! If you hadn’t died, you would’ve killed her.

He then showed me an image. Anna was trying to talk to me and I was creating a lot of snow and eventually, I sucked it into my body and let it out. It went into her heart.

Next, I was on the ground with Anna standing over me turning to ice.

“Ahhhhh!” I screamed. I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

Pitch was chuckling and I was clutching my head begging for the images to stop. Begging to make them leave, but they wouldn’t, they continued to play.

“Sweet dreams Elsa.” Pitch laughed leaving me in a room locking the door.

I slid down it and put my head in my knees and cried allowing ice to flood out of me and enter the room.

Please find me Jack.


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