Taking her back

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Elsa's POV

After hearing Pitch's and DJ's voices, I tightened my grip on Jack scared of the men who had kidnapped me on more than one occasion. Jack also tightened his grip on me making DJ smirk. His eyes glowed yellow and I gulped.

"Oh Elsa, I knew you would never fall prey to Dj's silly trick, however, lover boy over there did."

Jack lowered his head in shame but I put a hand to his cheek smiling up at him. Jack held the hand that was on his cheek and eventually smiled back at me, but DJ made a gagging noise making me frown and turn to him, but when I did, I saw Pitch had my bow.

My eyes widened as I stepped backwards away from him. Come on, I just got it fixed. I think. I don't know, but it's okay now. Wait, correction. FOR now.

Pitch smirked and came towards me. Jack tried to get to me, but DJ held him down so he couldn't get to me. I felt ice grow up the walls near me and snowflakes began to fall softly around me.

Pitch gripped my bow in both hands and began to lightly twist it. I felt a ripping sensation in my stomach and I cried out in pain. Jack tried to jerk away from DJ, but he was not strong enough. I gulped as Pitch began to bend my bow.

I doubled over in pain and fell onto my side clutching my stomach. I cried out again. I tried to speak, but it was a mere whisper. I felt weak....... I...... I don't know what's happening to me.

I turned around and saw Pitch hovering over me with a hand of black sand pointed at me.. I gulped and began to scream as he threw black sand in me, but I wasn't becoming evil, Pitch was taking something from me.

He was taking my power.

My strength.

My life.

I felt my eyes close, but I knew I couldn't lose it. I can't black out, I can't allow myself to. I won't let Pitch win. But my body is too weak. No as long as I'm awake, Jack will fight. Come on Jack. I believe in you.

Jack's POV

After I saw Pitch trying  to take Elsa's power away, I knew I had to do something. He could kill her! I summoned the wind and used as much force as I could to get DJ away from me. It worked. After 3 minutes.

I shot ice at Pitch and carefully picked up Elsa Bridal style as her arm clung to my neck.

"I'll get you out of here." I promised whispering in her ear placing my chin on the top of her head. I took out a snow globe and whispered, "north's Workshop."

I smashed it on the ground as quick as I could and sprinted through the portal carrying a half concious Elsa hoping that she would be okay.

I'm sorry Elsa. I'll get you out of this. I'll find a way to kill Pitch the B*tch before it's too late.

I'll look after you. 


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