I need help

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Elsa's POV

I could feel the darkness flow through my veins. I felt my mind darken and slowly but surely turning ice cold. I smiled at the thought.

I was walking through the shadows with Pitch beside me when I heard voices just in front of us. In the light.

The very notion sickened me, I was dark, getting the light and pulling it into darkness. However, the conversation that I heard made my ice slowly seep out of my body.

"Do you think she'll ever come back?" A boy with white hair asked. He hung his head down in shame and I tilted mine in curiosity.

"Manny will protect her mate. Pitch will never get inside her heart fully, her mind yes, her heart.................... I've known Cupid for a long time, her heart will stay pure." A bunny man said.

I felt a pain In my head and Pitch pulled us out of the shadows to face them, they had a look of surprise staining their faces.

A hummingbird lady went to my face and stared at me with wet eyes, "Elsa?" She whispered holding her breath. I narrowed my eyes in confusion not saying a word.

She gasped and hugged me tight. I felt a massive pain in my head and tried to ignore it doing what I was meant to do. Kill the Guardians.

I was about to strike the woman hugging me now with my powers, but I couldn't. My mind was telling me one thing, but my heart another. I didn't know who to listen to, so I fell to the floor breathing heavily holding a hand to my head and a hand to my heart.

I saw mt hair flash different colours and heard everyone gasp but soon felt a pair of cold arms around me. I looked up and saw the boy's face and his eyes staring at me with grate concern.

"I'm sorry Elsa, I really am, but just fight!" He whispered/yelled.

Suddenly everything froze and as I was about to pass out, I heard a voice coming from Moonlight. Manny.

"Stay strong Elsa, stay light. Don't let anyone deceive you into something your not. Just be you."

I couldn't do anything because my eye lids closed forcing me to -

"Aaaaaahhhh!" I screamed as I woke up gasping heavily. My head hurt and so did my eyes. But I only had one thing on my mind.

I need help. I can't become a monster again.

Jack's POV

I woke up on a freezing cold floor with an aching head and body. I tried to look around but my vision was still  blurry. However, I could still 5 blue figures not moving, then I noticed what it really was. They were frozen!

I looked around for my staff to see if I've done this, but it was miles away. Who else?

Then I saw a 6th figure on the floor fighting was an imaginary figure. I took a step closer and saw her. Elsa.

Her hair was turning black and white and her eyes yellow to blue. She was fighting the darkness inside her. Without thinking, I ran to her and wrapped my arms round her  not wanting to look at her appearance now.

"Jack?" She whispered with her eyes closed. She was breathing normally and I felt a light engulf me.

"Get her back Jack. She needs you and you need her." A voice told me. I nodded and felt a drowsiness come over me and my eyes felt heavy.

I woke up and saw the light shimmer away with only one thought on my mind.

She needs help

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