Using your centers

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Elsa's POV

Jack gently pushed me behind him in an attempt to protect me, but I did not need it nor did I want it. I put a hand on Jack's shoulder letting him know it was okay and stood next to him holding his hand.

"Ah, so Elsa has her strength back, DJ is no longer evil and you guys have forgiven each other. Makes me sick." Pitch scoffed.

I frowned and turned to Eugene and Rapunzle seeing Eugene with an arm wrapped protectively around her shoulder. I smiled at Rapunzle who nodded, then we turned back to Pitch glaring at him with hatred.

"Ooh, I can feel the anger and fear radiating from you guys. It gives me power!" He chuckled.

He thrust his hands up and black sand shot out of his hands showing four snakes and a guardian in each grip. I gasped and tightened my grip on Jack.

"The fear will always win!" Pitch cackled closing his fists squeezing the guardians.

I looked up at him and frowned, "the darkness never wins Pitch." I stated glaring at his figure ontop of the globe.

Pitch growled and at me and shot a hand towards me forcing black sand at me.

Gasping, I turned away and stuck out my hand holding Jack tightly feeling an energu coursing through my veins and when I opened my eyes, I saw a strong blue and pink glow around me.

"No, it can't be.... the prophecy of the four!" North gasped struggling to breathe, "use your centers."

"North, don't be stupid." Pitch warned, "only the four can control the power." He started to growl and sand started to fill up the entire globe room.

North ignored him and shouted, "wonder!" And a shimmering red light spun to the middle of the room and froze there.

Bunny shouted, "hope!" and the same light as North's spread to the middle, but his was a purple glow.

Tooth shouted, "memories." and green light appeared while Sandy said nothing and golden sand stopped at the middle with the other 3 lights.

I gulped and looked at Jack. What was i supposed to do? How can we do anything? i stared at the ligt light and heard Pitch chuckling, "they're not up to it." but then i remembered what North had said,

Use, your centre.

Rapunzle went first, " I needed to let people know and let go of the lies that kept me in the dark. my centre, is truth." and a sun yellow shot out of her and joined the other 4 lights, Eugene was next to make his speech.

"I had to break free from the darkness that held me down and stop getting lost in myself so I could find a way out. My centre is freedom." and a grey light appeared.

"I love helping the children see that fun can help solve anything and can bash down any walls that get in my way, my centre is fun." and a white light joined the collection of light. my turn.

"I can't stand seeing people hate each other and harm one another. Love is one of the only e,otions that can not be briught with money and cannot be forced, my centre, is love."

I turned to Jack and kissed him closing my eyes allowing light to float out of me.

Pitch started to scream and when I pukled away, the light exploaded.

Jack's POV

Pitch started to scream and was dragged under ground into the darkness where no one could hear his screams, but Elsa had passed out. i caught her quickly and shewas still breathing but I chuckled slightly, " seriously Elsa, you gotta stop doing this to me."

I carried her to a spare room and let her rest. I smiled slightly and I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and saw it was Bunny.

"You did good Frost. You did good." I smiled and turned my attention back on Elsa. I'm just glad to have her back...

Elsa's POV

I woke up with a very bad headache and a dent in the bed I was on, Jack was sitting next to me.

"Hey you okay?"

I nodded and smiled up at him holding his cheek and leaned in to kiss him.

And this, is only the beginning.

A/N Hi guys, this is then end if the story, but I hope you liked it and sorry it was so short, but that's the way it had to be. thanks for the support for commemts and I hope ou like my other books, you guys are the best and I always love writin these stories for yoh and it always hurts when I'm finished, thank yiu.


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