Never wanted to hurt her

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Jack's POV

I haven't left her side, I haven't let go of her hand. It's my fault she's dying and she could slip awa at any minute. I can't let her die. I've hurt her enough. I never wanted to hurt her.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Anna smiling sadly at me.

"I know you never meant for this to happen Jack, but you need to sleep. Take a rest. If she wakes up I'll call you."

I tried to protest but Anna pushed me away so I could rest. I sighed and went to my room so I could sleep after 2 days of pain and guilt.

The Dream
I got up from my bed and walked out the room to where Elsa was, but then I heard yelling and banging coming from the room.

"Leave her alone!" Anna screamed. I know I should've rushed in there the second I got there, but I couldn't move.

"Don't get in my way girl!" A familiar voice hissed to her and in that moment, I knew who it was DJ.

I charged into the room to see Anna on the ground with a pool of blood forming around her and DJ grabbing Elsa's body bridal style.

I tried to rush at him, but a wall like thing stopped me from getting to him. I pounded on the thing that wouldn't let me through but it did nothing.

I saw him create a sand portal and DJ jumped in it with Elsa in his arms.
End of dream

I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck like a needle was pushed into it. And though I just woke up, I felt drowsy like I would drop off, but I couldn't move.

I tried to get out of the bed to check on Elsa, but I couldn't and was stuck trying to think of ways I could get out.

I heard the door lock and heard footsteps come towards me.

The stranger went on my bed and straddled me. I tried to move once more, but failed.

The strange girl began to kiss me however I could do nothing. Her kiss went to my neck and i was feeling uncomfortable every second.

"Who are you." I asked trying to stop the drowsiness getting to me.

"The love of your life." Came her reply. But I knew that this was not Elsa.

"No, you're not. Elsa is!" I stated but the girl wouldn't listen. Just laughed and continued.

"Who says you're gonna remember her?"

I was about to question her when I caught sight of her long golden hair.

"Rapunzle?" I say surprised and disgusted.

Instead of talking, she said one word that pushed me into darkness, "goodnight."


For once, Punzle's plan didn't fail. I had some minor difficulties with Elsa's sister but hey, I got Elsa and hopefully Punzle is making Jack forget Elsa as we speak.

When she wakes up to find Jack doesn't remember her, she'll be heart broken and come crawling to me. A Frost look alike.

But I feel a pain in my chest when I think this because.
I never wanted her to get hurt.
I love her.


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