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Elsa's POV

"ELSA!!!" A worried familiar voice screamed, "I'm so sorry." He whispered, "I never meant for this to happen. I love you. I love you"

I woke up with a sudden pain in my chest and head. I started to breathe heavily remembering Jack breaking my heart and my bow. I started to cry, but the memory of my dream hit me like a ton of bricks.

It was Jack. He.. He loved me?

I sighed holding my head noticing I was no longer In North's workshop. I began to panic and ice began to spread as I ran to the door, but I was frozen in my tracks when I heard voices.

"Are you sure the mix will work?! A voice snapped. I jumped back in fear as I remembered the voice to be none other than the voice of Pitch Black.

"Of course, as soon as she wakes up, her good memories of Jack will change to me. She'll do anything for us." Chuckled DJ.

I gasped and ran back to the bed pretending to sleep just as I heard the door creak open. I felt a weight on my bed and I slowly began to open my eyes to come face to face, or eye to eye, midnight black eyes. DJ's eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked with fake worriness. I was about to push him away and scream in his face, but instead, I pulled into a hug that almost made me sick.

"DJ, what happened?" I asked 'scared' forcing crocodile tears out of my eyes.

He wrapped his arms around me and place his chin on my head.

"An evil guy, Jack Frost, brainwashed you. He made you think he was me and he broke your heart and bow."

I nodded letting real tears pour down my cheeks remembering the pain, not just physical, but mental knowing that Jack really did do that, just in spite. I gulped tightening my grip on DJ's shirt.

DJ started to shush me and rub my back like he actually cared, but I knew that it was a just an act. But I swear, if he tries to kiss me, I'll slap him.

"Elsa?" DJ began, I looked at him through blurry watery vision. I hummed in response and he continued.

"Do you want to get back at the person who did this to you?" He asked looking at me sadly. I wanted to shake me head and scared no, but I did what I had to do and nodded.

"My father and I need to train you to become a fighter. In a month, we'll let you out of here for 1 week, and in that time, you must've killed one of the guardians."

I stood up and slowly walked backwards keeping my arms by my side. I slowly shook my head, "I.... I don't wanna hurt anybody." I whispered keeping my head down letting a tear drop down my cheek.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I looked up and saw DJ moving towards me. I wanted t continue moving back but I knew that it would arouse suspicion.

"But Elsa, they hurt you. And want them t pay." He caressed my cheek wiping a tear away forcing me to look up at him. He was staring into my eyes and drawing his head closer to mine, I didn't move, but when his hand pushed at the back of my neck, I was forced to move in and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. (A/N Don't kill me, I already died writing this chapter.)

His kiss was nothing like Jack's. DJ's kiss was ruff and tasted, I don't know, salty? But I didn't know what to do. If I kiss back, I'll be betraying jack, but if I don't DJ might kill me. I let another tear drip down my face before I decided.

I'm doing this for you Jack. I told myself and slowly cupped DJ's cheek moving my lips but only slightly.

When I pulled away, DJ rested his forehead on min and sighed, "Come on, we need to start training." with that, he grabbed my hand pulling me to the training arena.

Why? Why me?

Jack's POV

My headaches keep getting worse, whenever I dream, I see a girl with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a blue flowing dress. I know I've never seen her before, but something in my chest tells me something, I mean, Punzie says I love her, but..... I don't know......... something's missing.

Jack snap outta it, I thought to myself, you have the most wonderful girl sleeping next to you,(A/N This chapter is making me sick) you shouldn't even be dreaming of another girl.

You sure you love her?

Yes, she's the only thing I need in my life.

What about E..... El..... I can't remember, but I can feel it.

Don't care what you think, you're just a stupid part of my brain.

No, I'm a stupid part of your heart.

The battle in my head stopped as soon as North called us to the workshop. I woke up Punzie and we found North pacing looking angrier than ever. Tooth tried to calm him down as I noticed elves were cowering behind presents.

I looked at Punzie and she shrugged.

"North, what's up? I've never seen you this mad Since... since... I can't remember who it was, but someone covered the workshop in ice for 10 years." Tooth explained rubbing her head.

North put a hand to his head but shook it off, "I have bad news guardians, Cupid has joined Pitch."

I growled and shot Ice at a wall feeling a sting in my chest. I have no idea why, but I felt like a part of me is being smashed.


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