Starting the training

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Elsa's POV

I woke up in a small black room with a head that felt like it was banging. Then I remembered, I was with Pitch, he was gonna help me control my powers. That's all I remember.

I started to walk around when Pitch appeared in front of me grinning evily. I gulped and ice started to spread.

"Elsa, don't worry I'll help you. Keep getting scared. Fear can help you."

I sighed and thought of all the things that scared me. However, I kept thinking conceal don't feel while I was scared and it did help.

I looked up at Pitch and he was smiling.

"Good job Elsa, let's get training."

He started to walk into a room filled with weapons, targets and so much more. I went up to a dummy and it turned into Jack. He was taunting me and calling me a monster. I couldn't take it anymore, so I hit him with ice.

He dodged it and continued yelling at me. It wasn't long before the rest of the Guardians came.

Then Anna.

I couldn't take it anymore and let the ice escape my body finding it's way into their hearts.

I watched them turn to ice before me and I fell to the floor crying. Everything turned dark and I heard clapping coming from the darkness.

"Good job Elsa, but you have to control it more. Fear them Elsa. Fear them."

Pitch's POV

I told Elsa to fear them. Ha. That won't keep her powers under control, it will make mine stronger.

Elsa, your nightmare is rising and Guardians, watch out. Sorry Manny, but Elsa can't help you.

?????'s POV

I have to help her. I have to protect her. This is my fault, I should've visited her sooner. Maybe none of this would've happened.

Don't worry Elsa, love is coming. In two ways.

Just believe.

A/N Hi guys, what do you think of this chapter, hope you enjoyed it. And who is that mysterious person at the end? Next chapter will be out soon. Promise


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