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Jack's POV

A few hours ago


North was still pacing the floor figuring out what to do now that we were betrayed by Cupid. Seriously, what kind of monster turns to the dark side?! My head began to ache and Punzie was right by my side squeezing my arm.

"We have to get to Pitch's lair and destroy all of his followers." North declared and once again, I felt a pain in my heart. Why?!?!

Someone tell me why I feel like I'm missing something.

Why do I feel like I'm missing a piece of me?!

I shoved Punzie off of me and put a hand to my head. I heard faint jingling like keys and turned to see Sandy shaking an elf a little bit. I frowned, but he showed the word "Elsa" above his head and then showed books.

I didn't understand but decided to go to the library to see if I could find out anything about this Elsa chick.

I went through the book of spirits, there was me, North, Sandy, Bunny, Tooth, the lepricaun, the ground hog and many more. But I never found an Elsa.

I knew it was nothing.

I was about to leave, but moon light shone down on the book case and something like a trap door opened revealing a very very very old book. I frowned but took the book anyway.

I opened it, but the title was in some strange language, but when I opened the book, light shone from it.

"Ask the question young spirit." A voice whispered in my ear.

I shivered but asked.

"Who is Elsa?"

As soon as the words left my lips, light surrounded me and I was taken to an old ball room.

There I saw a girl, maybe 8? with platinum blonde hair being dragged by a younger girl with ginger hair.

"Do the magic, do the magic." The ginger asked.

The little girl shot a ball in the air and it made snow. I gasped in shocked but smiled. The snow girl and I'm assuming the other girl is her sister began to play with each other, until she shot her sister in the head.


I was brought to another scene, the girl with platinum hair was in her room. Frost was creeping up her walls. Two adults with Elsa.

"It's getting stronger!" The little girl exclaimed showing gloved hands to her parents.

"Just calm down." The man tried, but the little girl backed away, "no please. I don't want to hurt you."

I pitied her. She was afraid of hurting her family. I sighed and closed my eyes waiting for the next scene to come.

Ice was spreading everywhere, A girl was cowering in a corner with a talking snowman!?. He tried to calm her down, but the ice wouldn't stop.

"Olaf, could you get Jack? He can help me." Wait, Me?! What do I have to do with this?!

The snowman Olaf nodded and left coming back 5 minutes later with a past me not looking too happy about having to stay with the girl.

"Still trying to one up me with a talking snowman I see." I spoke in a cold voice that surprised even me. She looked at the floor before saying anything.

"I don't wanna hurt people. I don't want to kill them. I nearly did that to my sister.......... Help me control it............." She trailed of my sentence and looked at past me with wet eyes because of the tears.

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