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Dedicated to LoverFreak251 for being my 100th follower. Thank you all so much

Jack's POV

Think Jack, think. I told myself. You need to figure out how to get Elsa back. It is all your fault in the first place.

If I hadn't of hated her, if I would've just given her a chance of being a Guardian, we wouldn't be in this situation now. There'd be less nightmares, less hate and no DJ. I can't start to imagine what they could be doing to her now.

"Jack, it's nearly midnight. Sleep." North said as he saw me pacing. Wow, I've been walking and thinking for 2 hours?!?!?!

"But North I-"

"Sleep!" He commanded and pushed me into my room. I sighed and slid down the door. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. But looks like Pitch entered my dream.

The Dream

I was walking through a long dark corridor. It was silent, it was dark and to be honest, it scared me. I took a deep breath and forced myself to keep walking.

I heard a scream and ran to the closest room. I yanked it open and saw Pitch and DJ hovering over someone. Elsa.

Her clothes were ripped, she had scars and her hair was turning black.

"Do. You. Love. Jack?" DJ asked her sternly. She looked up, tears in her eyes and answered.


Pitch and DJ grinned and shot black sand into her body. She began to twitch and squirm and scream. I gasped but quickly covered my mouth letting tears drip down my face. Elsa looked up and her eyes were blank and hair black.

"Elsa, do you love Jack."

Before answering, she squirmed as if trying to fight something, but then, she shook her head. I felt my heart break into two. DJ and Pitch grinned realising her from her chains.

DJ pulled her into a hug and she looked at him the way she looks at me. Her body began to shake again and her facial expression made her look like she was in pain. However, then it stopped, and I saw something I wish I didn't.

DJ pulled away and looked at her with lust and kissed her on the lips. The worst part, she responded. I felt my anger boil up and I shot ice at DJ. He froze to solid ice and Elsa looked at me with fear in her eyes.

I pinned her against a wall and looked at her with purer and utter hatred.

"Why are you doing this Elsa?!?! DO I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!?!?!" I screamed making her smirk.

"Oh Jackie, learn when to give up the race." She smirked and kissed my nose paralyzing me. She moved out of my way and kissed my cheek, "you're not the one."

Next I was forced to watch her leave me. Soon, she dissolved into black dust, as did DJ's frozen form and I was left alone. Or so I thought. I heard Pitch's cackle and turned to see him. Then I remembered I couldn't move.

I felt something sharp on my body and it began to turn to dust. I tried to move but I couldn't. I tried to use my ice, but I couldn't. All I could do, was listen to Pitch's laughter.

"Remember, jealousy is deadly."

With that, my vision went blurry and the world turned bright.

I was waking up.

End Of Dream

Elsa's POV

Jealousy is deadlyWhere stories live. Discover now