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Elsa' POV

I was stuck in a cell. Injured. And with a person who hated my guts. Again. I groaned as I felt weaker and weaker each moment, it was a battle just to keep my eyes open. And it didn't help that I wanted to flinch every time she glared at me.

I took a quick glance at her and saw that she was shaking. I took off my blanket and went to the bars that separated us. I hesitated but with a slow hand gave her the blanket. The cold never bothered me anyway.

She looked disgusted at me but took the blanket anyway wrapping it around herself tightly. I know that she did harm, but I can't let someone suffer.

"Why are you doing this?" Her voice startled me and she looked at me frowning.

"I don't like to watch people suffer, and since Jack and DJ aren't back with both of the cures, you will just get colder."

She nodded and turned from me. But I wasn't done. I had questions of my own, "why do you hate me Rapunzle. I saved you and for a moment I thought we could be friends."

She sighed but answered, "You took Jack from me again." I saw a tear make its way down her face and I felt guilty. I don't know why, but I did. 

"Rapunzle, I never met him until when I was chosen to become a Guardian. I swear."

She chuckled a but then rolled her eyes at me. She picked out a pouch from her dress and opened it up showing green sand and she blew it on me making me sleepy, "This will help you remember." I heard her say in a whisper before the darkness claimed me.

The Dream

I was at the bottom of a staircase when I heard a little girl begging someone to hurry up. I looked at the voice and saw it was a girl around 7 dragging along another girl laughing, "Elsa come on, Punzie's here!"

"Alright Anna."  The little me said giggling at her sister. (A/N I'm gonna call her LM.)

They slid down the banister and the little me cushioned her fall with snow making me smile how in control I used to be before..... Before I.... Never mind.

The little girls raced to the throne room and there I saw Rapunzle hiding behind her mother and a little boy next to her. He looked like Jack, but only younger and with brown hair and brown eyes. She was holding his had, but he dropped it as soon as he saw little me.

Little Jack emerged from behind the queen and came closer to little Anna and I. He bowed to our parents and then to Anna and I.

"Hello your majesties. My name Is Jack Overland."

LM giggled at his cuteness, and so did the little me, "just Elsa for me Jack, it's nice to meet one of  Punzie's friends." She smiled warmly at him and I saw Rapunzle's red eyes as her two best fiends finally met.

Anna gestured Rapunzle over as the two Kings and Queens began to talk.

"Elsa, show Jack your ice powers." Anna said excitedly. The little me smiled and sent up snow into the air. We ended up having a snowball fight, me and Anna against Rapunzle and Jack. I started to had for the door when I felt someone drag be down behind a snow pile.

10 year old me and did a little shriek when LM was pulled down and LM saw he culprit was Jack with a snowball in is hand and a smirk on his face. I, as in older me, giggled at him.

"Looks like I win ice princess." 

LM conjured a snowball in her hand and kept it behind my back, "think again Overland." It was her turn and she threw the snowball. I wince because LM may have thrown it a bit too hard. And knocked him down.

Little me gasped and ran over to him. LM knelled down and held his head moving the hair from his face. Oh Punz is gonna kill me if he's hurt.

"Jack, Jack are you okay." Little me asked worried.

He kept his eyes closed but I heard him say, "only a kiss can wake the boy."

I rolled my eyes and laughed as did the little me, reminder I was 10,"okay." She went to kiss his cheek, but he turned his face confused and her lips ended up on his. It was a little peck and when they pulled away they were both blushing and smiling.

After that day, I never saw him again. Until I became a Guardian.

End of Dream

I gasped as I was brought back to reality. I began to cough really bad until I was given some water from Rapunzle.

"I... I saw-"

"Saw the last time I came to your castle. Elsa we were best friends. Why did you do it? And on my birthday?"

"I don't understand. I kissed Jack."

She lunged for me but luckily the bars were in the way, "I LOVED HIM!!" She screamed as she tried to contain her tears.

"I... I'm sorry. I was 10 Rapunzle, we were having fun and then it kinda went too far. Rapunzle I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I...... I don't know what to say." I put a hand on her shoulder but she flinched away.

I looked to see who was on guard and I called his name, "Bunny! Put me with Rapunzle." He didn't reply and just shook his head, "now!"

"Sorry Elsa, you two aren't allowed, you might be conspiring against us considering we don't remember you and Rapunzle is a traitor.

I groaned and went to a corner of the cell. It came too closely and that was the first time I realized how small the cell was. My eyes widened in terror and I ran back to the cell's door. I felt the walls closing in on me and I started to cry.

"Bunny, get me out of here!!" I screamed as my head hurt with memories of being locked in my room. "Please!" I begged clutching my head with one hand and grasping one bar tightly. Ice started to spread quickly and I backed up scared.

I couldn't breathe and I couldn't scream, only let the tears spill, let the ice spread and continue holding my head in pain and terror.

"What's going on?!" Bunny snapped.

I felt a burning sensation throughout my body, I couldn't breath and I felt like something was trying to beak out of my head, not to mention the walls were still closing in on me.

"Bunny get her out of there!" Rapunzle demanded, I heard keys jingle and felt a pair of arms pick me up.

I lifted my head slightly and before I slipped into darkness for like the thousandth time this year, I looked at Rapunzle through blurry vision and whispered.

"I.. I'm sorry."

A/N Hey so I actually managed to get to 1200 words this chapter. Thanks for reading, but I think that this book is coming to an end soon. Thanks for all the support  and comments you guys have given me, you're the best I could ever wish for.

I love reading them and knowing you enjoy my work.


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