Feeling the pain

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Elsa's POV

DJ slept in my room last night. he didn't leave and I didn't want him to. I needed someone to stay with me. To cry on. I needed someone. In the morning, I woke up with me in DJ's arms. It felt right, but wrong, like I was betraying Jack. But I'll get back to him.

As I was moving, I woke DJ up and he did something I never expected him to do, he smiled at me. Not an evil smirk, but a smile, just like Jack's. I missed him.

I sighed and rubbed my arm but quickly withdrew my hand since it burnt my skin.

"What's wrong?" DJ asked grabbing my arm and pulling my sleeve up.

There was a big black and red mark on my arm. DJ put his hand over it, but it burnt and I tried to pull away but DJ wouldn't let me.

"Please stop. It hurts. Please." I begged and he eventually let go of my arm. I held it close to my chest and let a tear escape my eye.

"Els, I'm sorry." He said but I held a hand up.

"Please, leave me be." I said closing my eyes.

I heard footsteps and the door open and close.

I was left to cry alone. i curled up on the bed wishing Jack was next to me to give me comfort.


I never meant to hurt her, I just didn't know what to do. i didn't think Pitch and I hurt her that much. i left her room and banged my head against the wall. I'm stupid.

I don't know what she's doing to me.

"Where have you been DJ?" I heard a voice from behind me. I sighed and stood to my full height turning around.

"Elsa just had a nightmare." I explained, "I ju-"

"YOU WHAT?!?!?!" He screamed in my face, " I AM FEAR! YOU DO NOT COMFORT THE ENEMY!!!!!!!"

I rolled my eyes and turned away. I heard Pitch "ah" and he forced me to turn back to me.

"She's making you weak. She must be destroyed!"

"NO!" I shouted without thinking.

"No? A CHILD OF DARKNESS DOES NOT FEEL COMPASION, DOES NOT FEEL SADDNESS. HE DOES NOT FEEL LOVE! You will kill the girl in front of me in a month if she is not turned back to her evil form!" He said.

I nodded my head ashamed.

My master or, though I hate to admit it, the girl I love?

Jack's POV

I woke up from my nightmare and held my head tears still stained on my face. I was about to get out of my room, but I felt a pain in my arm and pulled up my sleeve.

there was a big black and red mark.

I felt it burn and I screamed making the guardians and Anna rush into the room. It stopped for a few minutes, but then I felt the same pain burning itself into my back.

"Jack, what's wrong?" North asked concerned. I shrugged and felt a bang in my head making me fall to the ground.

I closed my eyes for a minute, but saw something.

"Join us Elsa!" Pitch shouted.

"Never!" I spat, but it wasn't my voice, it was Elsa's. i was seeing things through her eyes.

I felt black sand boring itself into my head making me scream in pain.

"Jack! Jack! are you okay?"

I heard and opened my eyes to see the others hovering above me. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. My legs were wobbly and my stomach ached more than i can explain.

"Guys, you have to save Elsa. Now." i said feeling dizzy.

"Jack, i want my sister back as much as you bu-"

"NO! SAVE HER!" I shouted before blacking out.

Hi guys sorry for the long wait but I've been really busy with school work getting harder and I'm at my dad's and I and also doing 2 other books. So I'll update as much as I can. Promise.

And thanks for nearly 110 followers.


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