The cures

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Jack's POV

While we were trudging up the mountain, the storm was growing heavier and I could barely keep it at bay, I was feel exhausted and honestly I was surprised that DJ hadn't thrown me over the edge yet. We ran into a few wolves who are now either trapped in ice or have been covered in sand, but it'll be worth it once Elsa is okay again.

DJ and I haven't talked since I nearly killed him a few minutes ago, we don't even want to make eye contact with him, so I just keep walking.

My eyes grew heavy and I felt my strength leaving my body as the storm was taking too much out of me. I kept shaking my head trying to keep myself awake but it wouldn't work. I felt myself slowly falling into unconsciousness . I stumbled a bit and the storm started to return, but DJ was caught.

"Hey Jack, you okay buddy?"

"Was that actual concern?" I asked pretending to be shocked.

"Don't get used to it brother." He replied smirking. I think I actually like this side of DJ.  I smiled back at him as he helped support my weak state.

"How are we brothers?" I asked still confused about that.

"Well, you know how everyone has a twin, let's just say I'm your evil one. Come on, if we're gonna save Punzie and Elsa, then we need to hurry up with the Moura  light."

"Moura what know?" I asked confused. This dude confuses the hell out of me.

He groaned annoyed as we kept walking, "The Moon and Aurora Borealis lights. Remember, we need the light where the two meet. Do you not know anything?"

I rolled my eyes and was about to keep walking when I noticed we were at the top of the mountain. I looked up and saw a ray of beautiful lights dancing around my head. I sighed in awe and reached my hand up to touch the lights.

"Outstretch your hand and allow the light to flow in to your body."

I closed my eyes and felt my body lighten, started floating in the air and took a deep breath feeling like I was anything. Like I was the breath of the air, the flow of the sea, the warmth in the fire and the life in the Earth.

After a few minutes, the feeling of the light left my body and I fell to the floor feeling weak, my head felt heavy and DJ ran over to me.

"North's workshop." DJ whispered into the snow globe and he threw it to the ground pulling me trough it.

Elsa's POV

My body was burning and my heart was racing. I felt my strength leaving me and I kept seeing the shadows laughing at me. I kept groaning and the others were putting ice packs on my body and kept me in the moon light.

I was slipping in and out of consciousness when I saw a glowing white figure coming closer to me. I tried to take in the appearance. She had strawberry blonde hair, freckles and emerald green eyes. It took me a while to figure it out.

"Anna?" I croaked trying to sit up hurting myself in the process.

She rushed over to me and looked sadly at me, "I''m sorry I couldn't come sooner, I was called by Manny. I had to go home. Arendelle needs me. I was just hoping I could convince you to come with me. It may heal you."

I gulped considering her offer. Leave the world I know now, leave the children I've come to love to stay with my sister, the one who was always knocking at my door, the one who always cared for me, to be healthy again. I could pretend this was all a bad dream, wake up in my bed and actually get to know my sister.

But I would have to lose Jack.

I would have to let him face the end of the world alone.

"Anna...... I'm sorry. I don't belong in your world any more. The castle stopped being my home as soon as I hurt you. I can't leave here. I'm needed here. For the children. For Jack." I muttered the last bit and saw a tear slide down Anna's face.

"I thought you'd say that. The moon smiles upon you Elsa, you didn't take into greed, have a great life sister, remember me."

With that, the light faded and I was alone in a room until Bunny came i again picking me up, "lucky day for you mate," Bunny said softly, "prince charming's back."

I clung to Bunny's neck as he raced down the hall to the globe room.

There I saw Jack and as soon as he saw me, he gasped running over taking me from Bunny's arms and place me in his. 

"Oh Elsa, I'mm so sorry I took so long." I smiled at him and kissed him but soon stopped because of a burning pain in m chest. I yelled and he put me down looking over at DJ who was holding a freezing Rapunzle.

"DJ, an act of t.. true love." I managed to croak out before I arched my back in pain and my head lolled back.

"Jack, take the light you absorbed and let it flow into Elsa's body." DJ spoke placing Rapunzle down and brushing a hair from her face.

Jack stood above me and put his hands out letting his palms grow blue. It was kind of blurry but I forced myself to stay awake. Soon, I felt warmth and coldness flowing in my body. The pain was slowly subsiding and I felt a giant cloud of darkness lift from my body.

I sighed when I felt the darkness lift in me. Just fell to is knees beside me.

"Did... did it work?" He gulped.

I smiled and nodded holding a hand to his cheek as he nuzzled into it. I wrapped my other hand around his neck and pulled him in for a proper kiss where it wouldn't be cut off in pain. Wen we pulled apart I was in Jack's arms and smiling until I heard a cry.

My head whipped around and I saw Rapunzle slowly starting to turn blue. I gasped and made m way towards her as I saw DJ with sadness and longing in his eyes.

"DJ, kiss her." I told him, and let me tell you, he didn't need to be told twice.

When he kissed her Rapunzle wrapped her arms around his neck and her skin went back to it's normal tone.

I smiled at them with Jack wrapping an arm around my waist next to me.

When both pulled away, Rapunzle put a hand to his face like I did to Jack and DJ started to change in front of our eyes.

His hair turned to a hazel brown, his skin tone turned tanned, his eyes turned brown, his facial features change a LOT and he grew a goatee.

We stared wide eyed at him and I gave him a piece of ice so he could see his reflection. He gasped and started to touch his face, then he smirked. Hey at least he looked completely different from Jack now.

"I like. I think I need a new name now."

Jack suggested Richard.

I suggested Phillip

Rapunzle suggested Eugene.

"Yeah, I'll go with Eugene." He said smiling.

We group hugged, but were interrupted by an evil cackling.

"Well, well, well, I see you're all good and well..."

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