One Month Later

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Elsa's POV

It's been a month, they force me to train, my head aches, my body aches and tomorrow I have to kill my friends that don't even remember me. I keep thinking of Anna, has DJ and Pitch done something to her as well?

My eyes began to wet at the thought but I quickly brushed them away when I heard the door begin to open.

"Hey Elsa? Are you okay?" I heard DJ. He got closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I really miss Jack. How many times do I have to be taken from him?

"Yeah. I'm fine." I lied still not facing him. He turned me around and lifted up my chin so I was forced to look at him. He caressed my cheek and I did my best not to flinch away. He is making me sick. (A/N Not just you Elsa.)

"Tell me what's bothering you Els." He said still forcing me to look up at him.

I shook my head and walked out of the room leaving him standing there.


When Elsa left, I sighed and stayed in position and started to think. Can I really ask her to hut her friends?

Of course. She doesn't remember them.

But the emotions she holds are still tied to them.

I don't care. I can still force her to do it.

I was so focused on my thoughts that I never noticed Pitch come up from behind me.

"Don't let those emotions get the best of you DJ. You are a spawn of darkness! START ACTING LIKE ONE!!!" He yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes and shoved past him. I don't need him telling me what I can do. I may have been made from Jack's darkness, but so what?! I'm my own person now. I will not be told what to do.

Elsa's POV

I went tot he balcony after getting away from DJ. I.... I just wan to see the moon again. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was just a pool of darkness. No stars, no moon. I miss the comforting light that it would always give me.

I sighed and a tear drop fell from my face.

I miss you Anna.

I miss you Guardians.

I miss you Jack.

But as soon as I step foot in the North pole I'm probably gonna die aren't I? And Pitch still has my bow! I sighed and let snow form from my hands. I smiled let some snowflakes float everywhere. I smiled and created an ice rink.

I skated for a few moments and as closed my eyes, I felt light. I felt the power of light all around me. I didn't dare open my eyes in fear that I would return to the dark desolate place where I was kidnapped.

When I felt the light fade, I opened my eyes and sighed missing the feeling already. I turned around and came face to face with DJ.

He was frowning.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. His frown hardened and he grabbed my shoulders pushing me against a wall in anger.

"Elsa, I'm going to ask you this once, and if you don't answer truthfully I WILL hurt you."

I gulped but stayed silent, "Do you love Jack Frost."

My eyes widened as I tried to hold in tears. I can't say I hate Jack. That would break me. I can't lie about love, I'm Cupid for god's sake!!!! But if I say I love Jack, I might get killed.

I frowned but said nothing. His hand moved to my neck and I knew if I didn't give him an answer soon, I'm gonna be losing a lot of air really fast.

I gulped but still said nothing. I'd rather die than say I don't love Jack.

DJ's hand began to close around my neck. I closed my eyes and a tear trickled down my face.

"Since I'm a nice guy, I'm gonna give you another chance to answer. DO. YOU. LOVE. JACK?!" He demanded to know.

And this time I smirked though it was hard since his grip around my neck was getting tighter. I whimpered but looked him right in the eye and said it, "no potion..... no.. no spell will ever..... will ever stop me...... loving him."

DJ looked so mad he looked like he was going to expload. I expected him to kill me on the spot. But he sighed in relief and let go of me.

I stumbled down and DJ was immediately there beside me.

"Elsa I'm so sorry. I had to act this way or Pitch would've found out and..... and..."

I was confused, "and what?"

"Try and take you away from me again." I frowned and kept silent. He groaned in frustration.

DJ then sighed, created a floating block of ice above his head. He melted it and the water crashed down on him. But it wasn't DJ.

Under the hair dye and make up, I could see who it was.


A/N Hi guys, sorry if this chapter is bad, but I was ill and decided to write a new chapter. This chapter took on a life of it's own. Elsa was supposed to be at the workshop now but hey... surprises for all of us.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading and I'll write again soon.

Also, I'm gonna post another book in a few days. It's called somebody I used to know. I'll post the description soon.

But another thing, I've got interested in another two ships so I'm gonna start a book on one of the soon when I have 4 drafts. That's what I always do when I start a new book.

Sorry, I'm babbling a lot.

Well bye


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