I just want to be me

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Elsa's POV

I was still pacing around in my room rubbing my hands together trying to calm myself down. But it wasn't working. Why am I here? Why can't I control my powers. I was feeling really alone. Only Jack knows how this feels but he hates me. I didn't want to be alone anymore.

I made a snowman and before I knew it, he was alive, "hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. Hey where's Anna?" He asked looking confused.

It was my turn to be confused, so he just told me, "Elsa's sister built me before she died, after that, I looked after Anna until one day everything went black."

"Anna." I whispered. Where do I know that name? Where do I know that name? A few images flashed in my mind and I saw a little girl with ginger hair. She was hit in the head with ice. My ice. She was outside a door begging to be let in.

This girl, Anna, was my sister? This was the girl who cared for me and wouldn't give up? I had tears in my eyes and Olaf came to me, " Elsa?" He said in a soft voice.

I nodded and he hugged my legs. I knelt down to his level and he wrapped his tiwig arms around my neck as I cried into his shoulder? Anyway. He tried to calm m down, but the ice wouldn't stop.

"Olaf, could you get Jack? He can help me."

Olaf nodded and left coming back 5 minutes later with an surprised/ annoyed Jack.

"Still trying to one up me with a talking snowman I see." He spoke in a cold voice. I looked at the floor before saying anything.

"I don't wanna hurt people. I don't want to kill them. I nearly did that to my sister.......... Help me control it............." I trailed of my sentence and looked at him with my vision blurry because of the tears.

Before I knew it, I was pushed up against a wall by the wind with my head forced to look at him with ice spikes at my neck.

He flew my way and screamed in my face, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT PEOPLE! NOT FREEZE THEM! YOU'RE A MONSTER.!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't help what's already been damned." 

Before I could say anything else, the guardians came into my room once again. They probably came because of the shouting. And when they saw me up against the wall and ice spikes near my neck, it's pretty easy to say they were furious.

"Jack" Get her down NOW!" North commanded and I felt myself being slammed back on the floor. I curled into a little ball and sobbed, "North, please can I have some gloves?" I asked in a whisper.

He left and Tooth comforted me giving death glare at Jack. North came back moments later with a pair of gloves in his hand. I slipped them on and said the words that would help me through y time in my bedroom alone, "Conceal, dn't fell." I whispered.

"Can you all leave. I don' want to hurt you." I said with tears turning to ice on my cheek. They nodded and left, except for Jack.

"Keep he gloves on all you want, I know your secret with ice now. All you'll ever be is a monster who cares for nothing and has nobody!"

I sank to the floor and saw him smirking, "just go Jack." I told him, but he didn't move. He just stood there with his arms folded, " I said LEAVE!" I screamed and shot ice at him. Obviously he dodged t, bu the anger on his face said all the words I couldn't hear.

"YOU MAY HAVE DEFEATED PITCH, BUT YOU ARE MORE OF A NIGHTMARE THAN HE COULD EVER BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed when he still wouldn't leave me be.

Instead of storming out, he came closer to me and slapped me. I held my cheek and tried not to let him notice how much it burnt.

"NEVER, and I mean NEVER, say that to me again!" He said in a quiet and meanacing tone. I nodded and he left leaving me to cry myself to sleep on the floor.

The Dream


I was walking around on a snowy mountain letting my powers go. I created an ice castle and a new dress, but when I was done, Jack appeared in front of me, as did te other Guardians, Anna and Pitch. They were all calling me a monster, all except for Pitch.

"This will be your life eventually Elsa. Join us. Join the darkness. We can control people make Jack Frost pay. What goes better than cold and dark, we can make people believe in both of us." He said trying to convince me.

"No, people will fear us, that's not what I want. I don't want Jack to pay, and I know a better match than cold and dark. Cold











An light."

With that, he screamed and shot black sand at me in the form of an arrow. I made an ice barrier and slowly the dream started to fade away.

"Turn to the light as much as you want Elsa, but if one of them hates you, all of them hate you. Darkness is always in you" He laughed evilly leaving me with a whirling screen of darkness.

"Stay light Elsa, stay good. It's what Anna would've wanted.

How can I be good when I'm afraid

Because you're not alone........

End of Dream


Stay good Elsa. Stay in the light. But Pitch's words rang in my ears

Darkness is always in you

But I have to remember, I am not alone. No matter what Jack says, no matter how I feel, I have people to care about, and people who care about me, I'm going to do my best to protect people. I'm going to do what I do.

I'm going to make people happy.

I'd rather look after people (even if they don't believe in me) and be myself than force them t believe and hurt them. 

I moved to my window slowly, opened it and look at the full moon, "I want to protect people, I just want to be free............ I just want to be me."


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