Elsa's decision and the new comer

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Jack's POV

I can't believe she put ice in my heart. Yes we went to Grandpabbie like Elsa said, he's the leader of a tribe of rock people and he said only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. That'll be easy, I have a LOT of fangirls who love me, so I'll just get them to do something, but first, I have to deal with Elsa.

I was about to enter her room when I saw black sand and ice. Pitch! I put an ear to the door and listened in on what was happening.

Elsa's POV

After Pitch appeared, he once again tried to get me onto his side, but once again, I declined. I may be feeling alone, but that doesn't mean I have to hurt people because of it.

"No Pitch, I'm not going." I stated, but he just chuckled and walked behind me, I didn't dare turn and felt his bony fingers playing with my hair.

"Elsa, dear Elsa, take notice when people hate you, are scared of you. You already hurt your sister and she's dead because of you."

My heart stopped for a moment and I fell to the floor holding a hand to my face. I killed my aister, but I don't remember, I only remember hurting her with ice. I stared at my hands in disgust. I'm a monster!

"Join me Elsa, I can help you control your powers. I can help you to never hurt anyone ever again. I just need one thing Elsa. One tiny thing that you wont even miss." He yanked something from my head and showed it to me. It was a ball of light with pictures.

"They won't except you, I will. I know how it feels to be alone. Join me." He outstretched the hand with the light waiting for me to shake. I ĝlped and thought about everything that might happen. What could fo wrong.

So with tears in my eyes, I grabbed his hand to see Jack just open the door. I tried to get out of Pitch's grip, but he wouldn't let me go, just gave a smirk with his yellow eyes and teeth.

"You've given me the rest of your memories Elsa, you've just given me your soul."

"JACK!" I screamed, he flew to me, but it was to late. In one moment I was crying for help, the next, there was nothing.

Jack's POV

I ran into the room to see Elsa with tears on her cheeks and Pitch grinning evily. She yelled for my help, but I was too late, Pitch had sucked her into a portal of black sand. I ran to the Guardians.

"North, Elsa's been taken. Pitch, he took her." I said. They all gasped in shock and had a guilty look on their faces. I couldn't help but think that this was all my fault.

It is idiot. You told her she was a monster.

I was only having fun

And what happened? Pitch took her!

I was feeling sad and depressed, like Elsa was needed here. In my life. Shut up Jack, you hate her. I shook my head and was about to say something else, but something stopped me. A bright flash of light, a figure fell onto the floor and Tooth askded, "Whp are you?"

????'s POV

I was walking through the empty home of a villager to see how they lived their daily life to see if I could help them, but then a beight flash of light vame my way and pulled me into it. I fell into a strange room with Elves, Yetis, a big man, a big bunny, a sandman, a hummingbird lady and a boy with white hair and a staff.

Now I remember them, the Guardians! To see them you had to believe in them. Bunny made kids believeing in him by planting eggs on Easter to bring a new hope with a new year, Tooth gave a child back their memories by taking teeth and giving money to replace it.

North or Santa gave children presants to bring wonder into the world.

Sandman/ Sandy told kids stories to kids while they were sleeping to gove images in theit mind.

Jack Frost made his sister believe in him by giving her fun before he died saving her.

Elsa made people believe that she loved them, maybe she was here. Not as a guardian, but as cupid. It was a possibility, but unlikely.

"Who are you?" Tooth asked looking nervous.

"I am Princess Anna of Arendelle. This may seem like a crazy question, but do you know anyone know as Elsa?"

A/N Hi guys, thanks for reading, hope your enjoying the stpry. Thanks for over 70 followers and thank you so much for supporting me throughout my stories, this is my 6th proper story. Thank you for letting me get this far.



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