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Jack's POV

I've been sitting by her side ever since I almost killed her, but she won't wake up. She's alive, but not awake. And I did this to her.

The girl I claimed to love is hurt and dying because of me. It's all my

I held Elsa's cold hand in mine and kissed the top of it missing her touch, her smile, her eyes really badly.

"I'm so sorry Elsa." I whispered staring at her sleeping face, "if you wake up I promise I will never hurt you again, I promise I'll never love another girl ever again, if you wake up."

I let a single tear drop drip from my face onto her cheek and brushed her cheek. Her breathing was steady, but I knew she wasn't okay.

"If you die, I will never forgive myself. No matter what I say Elsa, no matter what I've done, I'll always love you."

And with that I kissed her forehead and stood up ready to leave, but before I could leave, I heard my name being whispered.


I turned around and saw Elsa's lips moving and she was squirming in her sleep with fear written on her sleeping face.

"run...... hide....... Coming.... They.... Coming.... JACK!!!!"

Her heart rate was getting faster and I ran to her side. She was having a nightmare and was in pain. I gasped and tried to think, what to do, what to do?

I pulled her up and put my arms around her letting her head lean on my chest as I leaned my chain in her head.

She was whimpering but was calming down. I kissed the top of her head and placed her back down. I took her hand again and as I was about to leave again, I felt a small grip around my wrist, "you'll make it Elsa. I promise."

I kissed the top of her head and left the room ruffling my hair.

Oh Elsa, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you this way. I was mad and jealous, I should've know you would never betray me.

On my way to the globe room, I bumped into Tooth. She, the other guardians and Anna were on the search for Rapunzle since she disappeared after she threatened me. I just don't love her. Anyway back to Tooth.

She smiled sadly at me and I couldn't help but start to cry. She pulled me in for a hug. Tooth was like a big sister to me. I'm glad she's here for me while Elsa is unwell.

"How's she doing Jack?" Tooth asked with a warm smile.

"She's doing great." I lied. I don't know how she's doing. One moment she's fine, the next her pulse is weak or her heart rate is too fast.
Tooth nodded and walked away continuing to search for Rapunzle.


I was screaming at myself for letting, myself fall in love with her and kiss her. I knew she could never love me, so why even bother?

Because people do stupid things, when they're in love.

I groaned and punched a wall. I need her out of my life. Out of my memory. I frowned and screamed letting black ice spread out of me.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled letting everything go, anger, hatred, sadness and love, I want every feeling gone. Every feeling that holds me t humanity, I want none of it!!!!!!!!!

No sadness, no happiness, no anger or spite and no LOVE!!!!! It hurts to much. I slid down the wall and hugged my knees thinking of the platinum blonde girl who had attached herself in my mind. I can't get her out of my mind.

"But I can't have her." I whispered feeling my "heart" breaking into thousands of pieces.

"Course you can, but we both have a problem." I heard a girly voice coming next to me.

I got my staff next to me ready, but saw that it was only that Rapunzle girl.
I laughed rolling my eyes, "what could you possibly want that you can't get? The plan already worked, Elsa trusts you."

When I said Elsa's name I felt a pain in my chest, but Rapunzle's next words shocked me, "Not exactly."
I frowned and shot ice near her,

"YOU FAILED?!? WHAT HAPEENDED?!?!" I screamed in her face.

"For some reason, Frosty boy kissed me and left Elsa injured and broken hearted."

My blood began to boil and I felt ice growing under my feet. Elsa went back. FOR HIM! AND THAT IS HOW HE TREATED HER?! Rapunzle told me the whole story and each second I felt my anger rise from the pit of my stomach.


"No you will not! I will get Jack, you Elsa? Deal?" She took her hand out and I shook it.

"Now we just wait until she wakes up." Rapunzle laughed.


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