Slowly turning

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Jack's POV

It's been only a few weeks, but every minute Elsa isn't here with us, my stomach feels funny and I feel like some thing's missing from my body.

I sighed as Anna shouted at us............. At me.......... Again about Elsa. She said she was her sister, but her sister would've been dead by now. But she did say she went through some sort of light.

Anna took a break to breathe, but before she could continue, the lights on the globe began to flicker off. However, instead of just going back to normal, a few turned blue and others turned off all together.

"What's happening?" Tooth asked confused.

"Why are the lights blue?" I asked flying up to the globe to get a closer look.

"It's Elsa, she's protecting the dreams that Pitch is trying to destroy. " North told us.

I smiled to myself as I heard Elsa's name. I don't know what this feeling is, but I don't know what it is.

"We need to get her back." I blurt out and then the others stared at me like I was some mystical creation. Which I am, have you not seen me?

I don't think so

Have you seen me author

No but I've seen a donkey's butt so I think you look exactly like it.

Whatever, anyway, now we have to make a plan to get Elsa back and defeat Pitch because though i hate to admit it, but I need her.

Elsa's POV

Pitch was taking me to kill kid's dreams to make him stronger, but I never wanted to hurt people, so I'm going to do the opposite and try to defend them.

We were going door to door, but I split from Pitch and put ice and pink sand into some kid's dreams to protect them. I was watching a child's dream, as sand images hovered above her head, I was able to see what they were.

The girl was opening a presant and out jumped a puppy, so full of joy and life. I watched as her dream developed and the dog was growing to be a strong one, I was about to carry on watching, but a strong grip pulled me away.


I got the grip off my arm and shouted back to him, "I DON'T WANT TO BE A MONSTER!!!"

Pitch gave an evil smirk and took my bow in his hand and snapped it in two. Pain erupted in my chest and I fell to the floor gasping for air. I curled up into a little ball and started to cry, but I belong to Pitch. He took my memories away from me. If I want them back.......

"You will do as I say to have your memories. You are important to my plan, go behind my back again I'll put fire in your heart."

He laughed and created a black sand portal pulling me in. When we got back to his lair, he suddenly shot black sand at me. I couldn't defend myself, so the black sand went into my body.

I felt darkness in my viens, I felt darkness in my mind, I felt darkness in my blood. I saw my dress turn black and my hair turned black, my skin turned light grey. My thoughts filled with many things. Dark things.

However, there was one thing in my mind that couldn't be taken by darkness. One thing protecting me, and that one thing, was a boy with white hair and blue eyes.

"Come back to us." He whispered in my mind with a sad expression.

I gulped and went out to look at the night sky where I saw the moon shinning bright. I know that darkness is running through me, but I can't help but feel,..... a light inside me......... A light caused by the boy with the white hair.


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