A deal

382 19 1

Jack's POV

I really wanted to lung at DJ, but the only thing stopping me was the sleeping angle in my arms. I growled at him while he was held back by North and Bunny. I looked down at Elsa pained face and finally I couldn't take his devil smirk any longer and put Elsa down lunging at his throat.

"What are you doing here!?!" I yelled at him with rage spreading sharp shards of ice everywhere.

DJ just rolled his eyes but didn't struggle as Tooth got Rapunzle, "What has Pitch done to Elsa?!" I demanded to know wanting to rip the smirk off of his face. I punched him  but he still continued to growl. I produced a sharp icicle and put it next to his neck, but before i could do anything, I heard a small whimper.

I turned around to see Elsa slowly trying to push herself up and forgetting all about DJ,  rushed over to her holding her close to me on the floor.

I brushed the hair away from her face and rubbed her cheek smiling sadly at her her amzing blue eyes began to take me in, "Elsa?" I spoke holding her more securely. I kissed her forehead and waited for her to reply so i could hear her soft voice once again.

I let a tear from my face drop onto hers and as I closed my eyes I heard a voice and a hand on my cheek.

"Jack?" I looked and saw a weak and pale Elsa. I smiled happily seeing that she was here after what Pitch had done, but what had he done? I had got Elsa to stand, but as soon as she did, she fell again and her skin turned as pale as snow and her eyes were filled with pain. I gasped and caught her on time, but I also heard DJ and Rapunzle laugh.

In anger I yelled and let ice go from my staff and it hit in any random direction. I didn't care who I hit, the only person I care about is Elsa. And the kids of course. When I turned to see who I had hit, I was happy to see that it had hit Rapunzle n her heart, just like what Elsa did to me when, I  smirked but when she fell, DJ rushed to her side.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed at me shooting black ice at me while I shot ice at him.

After a while, we both stopped exhausted to see what we had done. It was a big ice shard with ice and black sand in it.

I gasped and jumped back as did DJ, then I had an idea, "I'll tell you how to cure Rapunzle if you help  me cure Elsa. I swear on the moon ."

DJ held Rapunzle as I held Elsa. He sighed and nodded before looking at Rapunzle with longing n his eyes, they reflected how I felt about Elsa.

"Jack, where's Anna?" Elsa whispered but groaned right after. My eyes widened in realization. I hadn't seen the fierce strawberry blonde since Rapunzle had made me forget about Elsa.

"I...  don't know" I told her, "but I promise we'll find her."

Elsa nodded with tears moistening her eyes. I kissed her forehead and she gasped in pain holding her stomach squirming. I stayed by her shocked with a few tears dripping down my face.

"Don't worry Elsa, I'll save you from the pain. I promise." She looked at me sadly and smiled holding a hand to my cheek as I leaned in to kiss her. I smiled in the kiss, but it didn't last long because Elsa flinched with pain, so I had to let her go.

"I'll be back." I promised.

I glared at DJ, but did nothing since he was my only chance of saving Elsa while I was his only chance of saving Rapunzle. I grabbed him by the wrist yanking him away to North's office to "talk."

When we entered I made the door lock and smashed him against the wall in anger, but he just rolled his eyes, "nuuh, if you destroy me you'll never know how to get Elsa back." He smirked. In a fit of rage I slammed my staff on the ground creating a big coat of ice on the floor.

I punched him and got out a snow globe, "where do we go?" I asked agitated.

"The North mountain in Arendelle, where the moon and the aurora borealis meet in perfect sync. The light will get rid of the darkness."

 I spoke the "North Mountain" and smashed the globe onto the floor and dragged DJ through the portal after me.

Elsa's POV

The pain hurt. That's all I can say. I felt like something was trying to crawl under my skin, it felt like I was dipped in acid. It burnt, but t was cold, I felt like  was being pulled apart, I could hardly breathe.

I just hope you hurry Jack.

I need you.

A/N Hi guys, I'm only updating cause I'm at my grandma's again. I am really sorry about nor being able to update, but as soon as I can, I'll write a really long chapter. I promise.


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