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Elsa's POV

I was smiling at Jack but his death glare was sending chills down my spine. I took a step back and tried to get to Anna once again but was grabbed by Jack. I looked into his fury filled eyes and knew instantly that I should be scared.

"Jack, what are you doing?" My voice said shakily.

I tried to get out of his grip, but as my rewards, he pushed me against the wall. i banged my head and felt a thick liquid rushing down my neck.

I put a hand to it and quickly took it away wincing in pain as everyone else gasped. Tooth tried to get to me, as did Rapunzle, but jack blocked them off.

"Why would you do that to me Elsa?!" He hissed making me jump back, " I thought we had something, but you betrayed me."

I looked at him in confusion and fear, but he just laughed and came to me pushing me harder against the wall.

"WHAT DID I DO?!?!" I screamed with a tear running down my cheek, "Jack, I love you, I would never h-"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He screamed gripping my arms tightly making me wince in pain. I kept trying to hold in my scream, but he pressed harder on my arm making me yell.

"I saw what happened! YOU KISSED DJ AND STARTED PULLING AT HIS SHIRT, I STOPPED WATCHING AT THAT PART!!!!!!!!" He screamed in my ears making me close my eyes.

Everyone was staring and trying to make a move, but Jack was stopping them with the wind. i looked at him and spat in his face.

"I never did any of that, DJ-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. That was when I noticed that I was pushed away from Jack. He.... He hit me?

I put and hand to my cheek and imminently flinched. It hurt like hell so I stared at Jack. But what scared me the most, was Jack didn't have a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

He came closer to me and I backed up against the wall holding my knees watching Jack.

He just smirked and went to Rapunzle holding her wrists and I was scared for her, but what I thought would happen, didn't happen. He kissed her. (A/N Sorry everyone, it pains me to write this but i need it.)

She kissed back and i felt a pain in my heart. i cluched my chest and lied on the floor.

In a few moments, they stopped and Jack grabbed my bow, smirked and snapped it. I gasped and felt myself weaken. I began to gasp heavily and my eyes watered. I could hardly breathe.

I felt thick liquid running from my chest with tears streaming down my face as i struggled to breath properly.

The world started to grow dark and I heard, "ELSA!!!" Before the world went black once again.

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