I'll do anything

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Jack's POV

I had told Elsa how I felt. Right in Pitch's lair with a dark me knocked out beside us, but you know what? I didn't care. The only thing that matters to me this moment is what Elsa thinks.

I looked at her and saw a small blush on her cheeks. She cupped my cheek and kissed my other one, it was my turn to blush.

"I.. I lo-" Elsa was cut off by a laugh coming from next to us.

I jumped up and pulled Elsa with me so we could run. I held Elsa's waist and flew out the door, we didn't get very far, I felt my staff fly out of my hand so I fell bringing Elsa's with me. I held Elsa in my arms protectivly.

"Awww, how sweet. Ugh" came a voice behind us. It was Pitch with DJ.

"Master, our deal?" Pitch nodded and let DJ come closer to us. He grabbed my collar and made a black sand knife. Elsa's eyes widened with horror and as DJ was about to slit my throat, she shouted out.

Elsa's POV

"Please, please don't kill him, I'll do anything." I begged with tears in my eyes. I tried to run to Jack, but as soon as I got up, Pitch held my arms stopping me from moving. DJ smirked at me while Jack was screaming.

"No! Elsa, this is what they want!"

" I can't let you get hurt because of me!" I argued trying to get to him. DJ put Jack in chains so he couldn't use his powers. I felt cold tears escape my eyes as I saw pain in his eyes.

"Anything?" DJ asked with an evil smirk on his face

I felt a tear spill down my cheek but nodded, I didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. DJ smirked at Pitch. Pitch returned the smirk and pushed me to DJ. DJ just gripped my arms like Pitch had done moments ago.

"Let her go!" Jack shouted. Pitch just laughed and Jack and punched him in his stomach.

"Jack!" I shouted trying to get out of DJ's grip. Pitch and DJ were laughing at my failed attempts to get free as well as Jack's. A few tears rolled down my cheeks, "please, don't hurt him." I begged.

DJ stroked my cheeks and I flinched, he just laughed and kept touching my cheek, "Pitch, she has his powe r but she has more fear, can't we keep her and let him go?" DJ asked Pitch thought for a few minutes but then nodded.

Jack tried to struggle out of the chains, but it was too late, Pitch cast a portal sending Jack back to the Guardians, while I was left at the mercy of two of the darkest men in the world.

As tears fell from my face, the only thought in my mind,

I couldn't even say I love you

Jack's POV

I tried to fight the chains, but it was no use, I was sent back to the Guardians bruised and battered with my feelings ripping in half.

"Jack? Where's Elsa?" Tooth asked afraid.

I ignored her and walked to Anna hugging her.

"I'll get her back." I promised as she let all of her tears go.

I promise you Elsa, I'll get you back.

Video in media. Jelsa. Song: Heart Attack.


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