I miss him/her

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Elsa's POV

Everyday things get worse, I thought Pitch could help me, but everyday my soul gets darker my mind turns blank. It's like I'm being erased, like I'm losing control.

My dreams get worse and I always wake up in a cold sweat with ice everywhere.

I know Pitch laughs, but I just wanna go home. But honestly, I don't kniw where that is. I just fell like I'm empty. Like a piece of me is missing.

I was doing some training when Pitch came from the shadows. He placed a hand on my shoulder to stop me shooting.

"What Pitch?" I said coldly staring at the target.

He smirked adn placed a hand on m shoulder. I faced him frowning. He just laughed and walked around me like a vulture does to it's prey.

"I think you're ready Elsa. The darknesss has taken hld of our soul, you're going to help me destroy the Guardians." He said.

I turned and threw an ice knife at a target. It hit it in the middle, but only becuase I imagained that it was the demon Jack Frost, "Fine," I replied to Pitch, "but on one condition."

"And that would be?" Pitch asked raising an eyebrow.

"I kill Frost."

He nodded and pulled  us into the shadows to reach the Guardians. This was it. I was going to get revenge on the boy who ruined my life, who turned me to this. But I may also destroy my only hold to light.

Though wenever I think of Frost, I hate him I despies him, but is it possible to feel hatred to someone, but feel, I don't know.... something else for them.

I may hate him, but I miss her.

Jack's POV

The others were pacing the room wondering what to do, but all I could think about was Elsa. The girl I hurt, the girl who froze my heart, bu he girl who makes me feel something that I've never felt before.

Anna on the other hand was staring up at the moon, up at Manny. She was staring at him like the moon was the only thing in the world.

"Anna, what are you doinng?" I asked, but she didn't respond. Just carried on looking.

"I'm not looking Jack, I'm seeing. There's a difference, looking is taking in an appearnece, seeing is more, seeing is holding a person or objects soul. Learn the difference, and you will get what you seek."

I looked at her dazzled, where had she learned that? I have never heard that before but I've been on this lanet for over 300 years

"You think Manny never talks, but you have to listen to his words, not just hear them. Listen to my words Jack, because they are Manny'ss also."

I stepped away from her so I could think. Think about what she meant, think about how I can make things right, how her information was useful to me. 

I ruffled my hair and made a snowball. But I couldn't even do that without thhinking of Elsa. Why is she in my head, why is she under my skin, why is she in my heart? No Jack! You hate her. 

But you need her

No I don't





The battle in my head was interupted by a loud crash frm the wall. Elsa was there with Pitch. Her hair was black, her eyes yellow and her skin a light greyish colour. The Elsa we know is gone. Tooth walked towards Ela, she pulled her into a hug.

The others and I stood silent,  until a small blue light escaped Elsa's hand. I pulled Tooth away and tackled her to the ground. Pitch just dissolved into sand.

I knocked the object out of Elsa's hand and it tuned out to be an ice dagger. I gasped horrified while she smiled, but that ended when she caugh a glimps of Anna.

Her eyes softened, but she began to shake. Her hair was turning from black to white as it kept changing. The eyes were the same but with yellow and blue. She was fighting with herself.

It took a while, but I knew I had to do something, I didn't know what, but it just happened.

I kissed her.

She stopped shaking and began to kis back, I didn't pull away, I didn't want to see what my decision had done. Also, I didn' want to pull away until I felt a burning in my heart. The ice had melted, but something else was taking place.

I looked t Elsa, her hair was black and her eyes were a dark brown, she handed me an ice mirror to show me my appearence.

I had black hair and yellow eyes. And I smirked.

I whisked myself and Elsa away with black sand feeling a light banging in my head. I wanted to fight myself.

But not yet. Not yet.


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