Have I lost her?

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Song is shatter me part 2 will be in the nexr chapter.

Elsa’s POV

I need to get out of here. I can’t take it anymore. I feel that I’m going insane. Every day, I feel colder and colder being forced to have my memories back and forced to live on an ice stone floor. Having knives cutting into my skin, dark sand being shot into my body.

I know I’m getting weaker, and sooner or later, Pitch will have control of me once again. I haven’t had the chance to spread love around the world in ages and I feel myself breaking apart.

I was still in deep thought as the cell doors were being opened. I expected Pitch and crawled to the corner of the cell hugging my knees, but when I looked up, it was DJ.

I turned my head away and let a tear slide down my cheek. It’s one of the moments I hate that he looks like Jack. It makes me miss him even more.

“Elsa, don’t cry.” He said as he came closer to me.

He undid my cuffs and pulled me into a hug which I really needed as I was crying into his shoulder. No I don’t love DJ, but I’m glad that he’s here.

“Come with me.” He whispered pulling me up. I followed him out of the cell and to a room where I expected to meet with Pitch again.

However it was just an empty room. DJ quickly looked out and them locked the door, “this door has a lock for 30 minutes, powers are useless here and it’s soundproof. We need to talk without Pitch.”

I nodded but still gulped, I wasn’t sure if I could rust DJ yet. He gestured to a chair and I gladly took it limping along the way.

“Elsa, I know that you’re hurt, so I want to help you out of here.”

My eyes widened and I swear that I froze.

“I want to help you back to Jack. No matter how much it pains me.”

My eyes were wet, but I didn’t try to hide the fact that I would cry.

Instead, I ran to DJ and wrapped my arms around him thanking him

He hesitated, but still wrapped his arms around my back. He rested his chin on my head but I soon pulled away.

I smiled but he suddenly tensed up and banging was heard outside the room, “DJ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE!?!?!” Pitch yelled angrily.

DJ sighed and unlocked the door letting Pitch in. I gasped and walked backwards until I hit the wall.

“Well, EXPLAIN!” He shouted at DJ.

“I’m trying to gain her trust.” DJ whispered. I don’t think that he meant for me to hear it, but I did.

Pitch nodded, scowled at me and left the room. DJ on the other hand sighed and walked closer to me. His hand brushed my cheek and I flinched. He back up and I glared at him.

“I WILL NOT BE USED!!” I screamed at him trying creating ice spikes around me. He rolled his eyes and came towards me once again.

“Elsa, I won’t hurt you,” he said in a whisper coming closer to me, “you have to trus-“

“NO!” I yelled. His facial expression turned to an annoyed one and he pinned me against the wall holding my hands above my head, “YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME!!!!”

“WHY?!?!?!” I said tears dripping down my cheeks.

He sighed, let my hands drop, forcefully grabbed my face and kissed me.

I didn’t respond and just froze with tears still dripping from my face. When he let me go, I moved as far away from him as I could holding my arms. DJ punched the wall making me flinch.

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