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Kallansa tayi kamin tace a gida you have to be nineteen or at least sai zaka shiga university daddy ke bari a baka daya daga cikin mototocin dake gida ta zama taka females kenan for males kuma he will buy you a car. Kudin allowance kuma da ka kai sixteen yake karawa from your phone bill and breakfast din makaranta you get additional twenty thousand a month maza da mata. Da ka kai a baka mota zai karama kudin mai. With me it was never the case dakansa yaje ya siya mun first car dina I was fifteen then. I remember vividly that day birthday dina ne we were at the house celebrating. 

Daddy never gives anyone gifts on their birthdays except me. Muna celebrating ya shigo da wata bakar Benz mota it was a BMW ya bani makulli yace happy birthday it's your gift. Muna isa nace mishi meye sunanta he told me inga logo I was like daddy be my wife ce. At that time I was obsessed with BMW's. Ranar bala'i akayi a gidan saida daddy yace mama taje gida saiya nemeta. She stayed at her dads house for about a month or so kamin suka tura inda grandpa that was lokacinda aka musu sulhu ta dawo.

On my sixteenth birthday I got a Mercedes Benz C300 and on my seventh birthday although daddy baya kasa I received a red perfection. On my eighteenth I got that blue car I went to the head quarters with? Eh na ganeta. On my nineteenth birthday kuma he got me a gold necklace worth five million sannan he paid for our trip to Paris. Sannan aka sake wani tashin hankali a gidan because mama always daddy is stingy he never takes anyone out except hajji ne ko umra da kuma karatu abroad. And here he was paying for six peoples trip and to and from Paris because it was my birthday.

It was the first time my dad ever laid his hands on his wife that too in front of me sabida Ina palon it was a day after sallah ya shigo after hearing the news. The reason he slapped her was because she took hajiya's name (his mom) and said does he love me more because I have his witch of a mothers name? He lost it and slapped her. Actually you will never know my mom and her co-wife have problems because my mom never joins her to make trouble and also because mama is a great pretender. Mama never got along with hajiya because hajiya preferred my mom over her and from what I heard it's grandpa that made daddy to marry mama.

Anyways the trip was fun and on my twentieth birthday I got that white Cadillac Escalade that ya moha drove and got caught by your men. Now do you see why they say am my dads favorite? He nodded with a smile. I understand although my stepmom is just there for decoration. Smiling tayi kamin yace da alamu you don't get along with her. Gashinta ya shafa kamin yace you don't know the half of it.

Washegari tun kamin ta tashi ya shirya cikin uniform dinsa ya rubuta mata note ya dauka jakkarsa ya fita. Koda ta tashi baya kan gadon hakan yasata gyara gadon. Kamin ta fita idanta suka sauka kan note dinda ya lake a kofar. Bayan ta karanta tayi nodding ta fita ta shiga part dinta. Wanka tayi ta shirya cikin

Dukda yafada kartayi abinci saida tayi mishi something light ta sanya a microwave ta barmishi sticky note kan double decker dinta

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Dukda yafada kartayi abinci saida tayi mishi something light ta sanya a microwave ta barmishi sticky note kan double decker dinta. Koda ta duba time taga eleven ta kusa kuma wayarta har six missed calls na nabeela da anti fati. Jakar kayanta da zata chanja ta dauka ta fita. Da kanta tayi driving ta shiga black S class dinsa. Parking tayi a harabar gidan anti Khadijah da aka fara decorating. Shiga ciki tayi taga duka matan dakinsu da matan maza da sukayi aure na nan ita kadaice. Hakuri ya bada tayi joining aka cigabada packing souvenirs. Koda three tayi an gama shirted shirye. Upstairs ya nufa ta chanja kaya zuwa atampha dinda ta dauko

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