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Zamuje mu mika angone shine suka biyo mun. Wane ango? Badai Yusuf bako? Eh shi yafada yana kallanta.

Why will you go to halimas house? Nima datake yayata banje ba sai kai? Kasan yadda muke dasu zakace zakaje?

Aisha bafa sabida ita zanje ba sabida Yusuf din zanje. Kallansa tayi kamin tace da ban dawo ba da zaka fadamun ka fita?

Akan me zakaje? Bashida friends dinda zasu rakashi ne? Why are you doing this? Kina nufin bazan tafi ba?

Waceni? Yaushe aka haifeni? Ai ban isa in hanaka tafiya ba. I don't have the right nor the power to stop you.

Kaje allah ya bada sa'a tafada tana fara tafiya. Hannunta ya kama Aisha if this makes you uncomfortable I can ask them to leave I won't go.

Kwace hannunta tayi kokarin yi amma takasa. Kallansa tayi sannan tace if you really cared you would have know I would be uncomfortable.

Speak to me directly don't hide. Sakeni tafada tana komarin janye hannunta. Sakeni nace tafada tana kallansa.

nace ka sakeni sakinta yayi sannan ya nufi window din daya daga cikin motocin yayi knocking.

Jidda glass din akayi only to reveal habib ka gayawa sauran I won't make it signal yayi mishi da ido cewa Aisha.

Rike hannunsa tayi kamin ta kalla habib tace he will go with you sannan ta jashi gefe tace kaga kaje.

Bazani ba yafada yana kallan idanta. Alhaji wallahi kokaje koni inje cikin biyu dinnan dolene ayi daya.

Ba hankali ne dani ba wlh I can embarrass both of us here so it's better you should follow your friends.

Sakinsa tayi tayi tafiyarta zuwa cikin gidan. Kallanta yayi sannan ya dafe kansa kamin ya koma mota suka wuce.

Ashe akwai maccenda zata iya chasaka haka kuma kayi shiru? Kallan hashim yayi sannan yace you won't understand ne.

Aisha is special to me very special. She is not on speaking terms with the bride ko auren she was forced by their father to attend it.

Aisha kuwa tana shiga cikin gidan kulleshi tayi tabar makulli a lake to stop him from going in ka kawana a inda kaje tafada tana shafa night cream dinta.

Sha biyu darabi ya shigo gidan. Makullinsa ya sanya da niyyar bude kofar amma taki budewa. Murmushi yayi kamin yace problem.

Kofar baya ya tafi ya kalla balcony dinda ke saman kitchen din. Ladder ya hau ya tuma ya rike karfen balcony din. Karfin sa ya sanya ya karasa Jan kansa ya shiga balcony din.

Bude kofar yayi da key ya shiga sannan ya kulle bayan shigarsa. Direct part dinta ya wuce ya bude kofar living room dinta.

Dakinta ya shiga ya ganta tana bacci tabar wutace a kunne. He smiled and switched the lights off before stripping off his clothes.

He got in the bed and hugged her before saying aisha wake up let's talk. Aisha wasn't a deep sleeper but that doesn't mean she's a light sleeper.

After making a few tosses she was finally awake. She could see his face in the dark she tried to push him away but he held her still.

Let's talk about this whole situation. I couldn't say know because he's my good friend what's so hard to understand about that?

I don't want to talk to you she said and turned her back on him. Fine let's do something else he said before getting on top of her and ripping her silver silk shirt.

He took his time and was calm the entire time. Mind you our lady loves mind went out the window ten miles back.

She only regained her senses when she heard a dua she was familiar with but never heard a man say except her teacher.

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