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Tana parking ta kashe motar ta fita da niyyar shiga ciki ta siya ticket. But to her surprise tana kulle motar ta juya da niyyar tafiya sukayi four eyes dashi.

Turashi tayi tabi ta gefensa zata wuce ya riko hannunta yace lets go home. I am going home tafada tana kallansa.

You know what I mean ya fada yana kallan cikin idanta. Harararsa tayi sannan tace I don't am going to my fathers house.

Aisha banaso mu saida hali a airport dinnan ki shiga mota muje gida lets talk about it calmly like the adults we are.

I have nothing to say to you tafada tana kwace hannunta. I AM TIRED OF THIS MADNESS OF YOURS.

Kallansa tayi ta tsaya batareda tace komai ba idanta kawai na bada sakon abinda ke ranta. You've been at it for a week I won't tolerate it any further.

Nidin da kike gani ba lusarin namiji bane macce bata isa ta juyani tamun rainin hankali ya nuna mun isa ba komai son danake mata.

Na daga miki kafa dan ki sauko muyi maganar arziki kuma dan son danake miki da kuma albarkacin abinda ke cikin ki.

Do not overstep your boundaries aisha I am warning you. You will not like it at all if I show you my true self.

Bude motarta tayi ta shiga ta buga kofar a zuciye sannan tayi reverse ta wuce ta barshi. Shiga motarshi yayi shima yabi bayanta.

Koda ya isa gidan ya iskota tana hada kaya cikin suitcase. You have until I finish packing my stuff.

Aisha why are you so inconsiderate? Box din Sarkar dake hannunta tayi jifa dashi ta kallesa sannan tafara matsawa kusa dashi tace what?

Me kace aliyu? Me? Inconsiderate? Are you saying that I am inconsiderate? Ko dayake ba laifinka bane.

Mutane da yawa sun fada sunce namiji badan goyo bane nina dauka namiji dan goyo ne. How could you say that to me?

How could you do this to me? How could you betray me. Aliyu for two whole years nasoka fiyeda kaina.

I loved you more than myself. I forgot that no one can love you more than yourself. Da rana tsaka bayan shekara biyu.

After two years of me exhausting myself burning myself day and night loving you with all my heart da rana tsaka akazo aka cemun...

Kuka yaci karfinsa tayi shiru tana dafe gabanta hawaye na zuba a idanta. Kallansa tayi tace aka cemun you have a son.

Aliyu koda kuren baki baka taba cemun your son was alive ba. We never talk about your late wife and children because hakan na batama rai amma you always show that they died.

Wannan wacce irin chin amana ce? Anya ka daukeni a matsayin matarka? How could you keep such a big part of your life from me?

I should have chosen myself from the very beginning. I wished I wasn't blind enough that i chose to stay in this marriage with you and suffer in silence.

Do you have any idea how many sleepless nights I spent tossing and turning on that very bed worrying about why you didn't inform me?

It was my fault for thinking we could grow together but your secrets and trust issues just won't let us.

Your distrust towards me the doubt you have about me that fear that i would turn to a bad person like your ex wife won't let you.

Maybe it's better that we grow apart that we grow on our own. Aisha listen to me i didn't mean to keep it from you.

I just didn't mention it and Amar has been in a coma for years there was no saying weather he will wake up or not.

She smiled and said okay let's say you didn't know wether your son would wake up or not but what about you getting a second wife?

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