1. There's Something Wrong

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October 31, 1981

"I'm nervous," she whispered.  The woman stood with the curtains open at her living room window, peering out into her own yard with an intensity she hadn't experienced in a long time.  "I don't even know if she can find the place with all the enchantments around it."

The man sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table smirked.  "Not to worry.  She's with Padfoot.  He knows this place front and back.  Plus, he's our secret keeper."

Lily Potter rolled her eyes.  As much as she loved Sirius Black, he could be unreliable at times, and this wasn't just anyone.  This was a member of her family.  "Yeah, until he switches with Peter.  James, sometimes I wouldn't trust Sirius to bring my dog home safely."

James Potter cackled.  "That's true.  He did lose your dog that one time.  But I don't think you have to worry about him losing a pretty girl.  I'm sure that's one thing he makes sure he hangs on to."  He opened his newspaper to the next page over.  "Even if she's a bit crazy in the head."

"She's not crazy," she said defensively.

"Then why did your parents send her to St. Mungos in the first place?"

Lily sighed in frustration.  "I already told you.  They thought she was hurting herself and us on purpose.  She got headaches and when Petunia and I tried to help her, somehow she caused us pain too."

James frowned.  "Did they ever figure out what was wrong with her?"

"They wouldn't be letting her come home if they hadn't.  She's spent the last three years in that place, one mind-numbing headache after the other.  Nothing the Healers did could get them to stop.  Then suddenly they just went away.  That's what she told me in her last letter.  She's so excited to see the three of us, me, you, and especially Harry."

"Do you think it is wise to let a nutcase around a baby, Lily?"

She placed her hands on her hips.  "James, I swear if you or Sirius either one crack one crazy joke in front of her I will never speak to either of you again."

He put his hands up in surrender.  "Okay, I'm sorry.  I know whatever happened wasn't her fault.  But seriously, is she safe to be around Harry?  There's nothing I love more in the world than you and that little boy."

Lily bit her lower lip.  "Yes.  I just hope that nightmare is over for her and that they figured out what was causing those migraines."  She returned her attention to the window, wondering what in the world could be keeping the two of them.  St. Mungos was only in London.  Godric's Hollow wasn't that far away.  "Maybe they got lost or-" her voice trailed off.  She was going to say that they had been attacked by Death Eaters, but she was praying that wasn't the case.

James seemed to pick up on her pause and put down the newspaper he'd been reading for the past few minutes to try and pass the time.  He too was worried about the location of his wife's youngest sister and his best friend, but he chose to crack jokes rather than break down.  It was a defense mechanism that Sirius had taught him well throughout their years of school together.  He got up from his chair and walked over to the window where Lily was so intent on staying.  He slipped his arms lovingly around his wife's waist.

"Don't worry too much, love.  Even if they are attacked by the Death Eaters Sirius will protect Alaina with everything he's got in him," he assured her.  "He's in the Order now and he's grown up a lot in the last few years.  You know he's very good at dueling."

Lily smiled.  "Yes.  I must say he is an excellent duelist."  She sighed and leaned her head back against James's shoulder.  "Thanks for trying to give me a little hope, darling."

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