60. Voldemort Has Returned

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 Severus's heart stopped, Harry's words echoing inside of his head. I killed Ginny. The possibility of it made his blood run cold. He pulled Harry off of him quickly, but gently. He didn't want to scare him. He stared at him blankly.

"What do you mean you killed Ginny?" he asked. His expression remained blank, but inside he was worried...really worried.

Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He wiped the tears from his face. "I killed her," he clarified. "I was too late to save her. It's all my fault."

Relief washed over him. He hadn't killed her. He only blamed himself for her death. "It's not your fault, Harry."

"I was too late."

"You can't save everyone."

He twisted his hands nervously. "Ron is going to hate me. And Fred and George." His voice was starting to crack. "But I tried. I gave it my best."

Severus took him by the shoulders as tears started rolling down his face. He knew how Harry was feeling. No, he didn't have friends he had to worry about, but for the longest time he had blamed himself for Lily's death. His attempts to protect her hadn't worked. In the end, she still died. He exhaled slowly, contemplating on telling him the story. It was something that would be beneficial for him to hear, but he thought better of it. Now was not the time. Maybe down the road if he had trouble getting over it...

"If they hate you because you tried to save her and failed, then that is their mistake, Harry. If they are truly your friends, they will understand that you tried. You're not superhuman. You could have died down here. You risked your own life to save her. You've done nothing wrong."

Harry shook his head, sadness washing over him. "I didn't expect it. He got the best of me and I didn't see it coming."

Severus raised an eyebrow at him. He was finally going to know where the laugh had come from, who had been with him inside the chamber. "Who, Harry?"

More tears fell from his eyes and the same fear he had felt inside the chamber resurfaced again. "He's back, Professor Snape. Voldemort is back."

~ * ~

About half an our later when Severus, Harry, Ron, and a newly awakened Lockhart found an outside exit to the chamber, they went immediately to Dumbledore's office. Severus steered them there. He figured that since Minerva was acting as Head Mistress in Dumbledore's absence that she should know what had happened. He was surprised to find that Minerva wasn't there when they arrived. Albus Dumbledore had returned and was sitting in his own chair. Dumbledore dismissed Lockhart and relieved him of his job immediately after Severus told him what he had heard him saying to the boys. The arrogant blonde man never said one word as he left the office. Severus suspected he was just glad to be alive. Dumbledore's attention then returned to the rest of his company.

"I suppose you all have something else to tell me," Albus concluded. Why else would they be there?

Severus nodded. "Harry does. He found the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."

Dumbledore's eyebrows raised in surprise as he eyes fell on Harry. "You did?"

Harry wouldn't meet his eyes. "Yes, sir."

"Well, I have to say that doesn't surprise me. I suppose you have been inside?"

He nodded.

Severus rested his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Don't be afraid to tell him everything. He needs to know, Harry."

Harry took a deep breath. He started with the most horrible thing and worked his way to the rest. "Ginny is dead."

Ron's eyes widened. "What?"

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