28. The Mirror of Erised

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Alaina paced back and forth in Severus's office.  He had told her to wait there for him after classes the next day.  There was something he wanted to talk to her about, but he wouldn't say what it was.  She had been waiting there for what seemed like forever.  Finally, he came through the door.

"Evening, Severus," Alaina greeted him.

He smiled.  "Evening.  I see you made it."

"Yeah.  You said it was important.  What is it?"

Severus sighed.  "Has Harry talked to about his last potions class?"

"He said you told him you didn't hate him.  I really appreciate you telling him."

"It's the truth."  He cleared his throat.

Alaina frowned.  "Harry hasn't said anything to me about his last potions class other than that."

"I was afraid of that," Severus said.  "Someone tried to kill him."

Her eyes widened in shock.  "What?"

"He's fine.  I caught it and I saved him.  It's okay.  I took care of it.  It's what I was doing just now.  I don't have any proof, but I know it was Draco Malfoy.  I gave him a good tongue lashing just now and told him if he ever tried to purposely hurt Harry again, he would have me to deal with."

Alaina grinned at him.  "I'm glad to see that I'm going to have your help taking care of Harry."

Severus nodded.  "You most certainly will."

There was a knock that came to the door.  Alaina looked at Severus quizzically, wondering if he had been expecting any more company than just her.  He frowned.

"I wonder who it could be," he mumbled.

That had answered Alaina's question.  Severus glided over to answer it.  He flung the door open and was surprised to see Dumbledore standing there.

"Ah, Severus.  Good to see you're here," Albus told him.  "I'm afraid I need your assistance."

"With what?"

"A very sensitive manner."  He looked past him and saw Alaina standing behind him.  "Er, unless you are busy."

Severus glanced back at Alaina.  "Um, no.  I was just explaining to her something that happened in my class.  It's perfectly fine."

"What is it?" Alaina asked curiously.  She walked up to them.  "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but overhearing."

"That's quite alright," Dumbledore spoke up.  "As a matter of fact, I could use your help, too if you're up for it Ms. Evans."

Alaina smiled.  "Of course."

"Alright then.  The two of you follow me."

Severus and Alaina followed Dumbledore up the stairs from the Dungeons and to a room on the first floor.  It was just down from the library.  Dumbledore went in first.  He stopped halfway into the room.  Severus and Alaina filed in after him.  There in front of them was a golden mirror.  It stood a little taller than Severus, which was about six foot.  Dumbledore smiled when he saw them admiring it.

"This is the Mirror of Erised," Dumbledore introduced.  "I want the two of you, mostly you, Severus, to help keep an eye on this mirror.  I plan to use it for something a little later on.  Right now it has to stay here until I get a chance to move it.  I don't want anyone in here."

"Understood," Severus told him.  "I will keep an eye on it."

"Me too," Alaina agreed.  "What does it do?  It doesn't look like your average, run-of-the-mill mirror."

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