81. Return of the Black Dog

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 Severus ran every possible test on Harry's new Firebolt that he could think of. He tested it for every curse he knew, and was ashamed to admit that he knew a lot of them. The broomstick seemed to be just fine. There was nothing wrong with it. He sighed wearily, tired from the vigorous magic he had been performing all day. He looked at the time up on the wall. It was early in the evening, but darkness had already fallen. It was nearly half past eight. He knew Harry would want the Firebolt back now and he had promised him he would get it back to him as soon as he finished, so he left the Potions classroom and headed up to the seventh floor.

Severus knocked on Alaina's office door first. He wantd to give her the good news so she wouldn't worry. He was surprised when Harry was the one that answered the door.

"Evening, Harry."

Harry kept his hand on the door. He kept the door closed as best he could so Severus couldn't see inside. He knew it would probably never work, but he deemed it worth a try.

"Good evening, sir," Harry said.

"Is your mother available?"

He sighed. "No. She asked me to stay in here until she got back." He silently chided himself for saying that last part. Always too many details slipped out when he didn't want them to.

"Where did she go?" Severus asked curiously.

Harry's eyes fell upon the Firebolt he was holding in his hand. It was the perfect time to change the subject. "Is the broom okay?"

"Oh, yes. It's perfectly fine." Severus handed it to him. "I ran every test I could think of and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Great! I can't wait to try it out!"


"Yes, sir?"

"You did not answer my question. Where is Alaina?"

A long sigh escaped him. It hadn't worked. He was hoping he would forget about the question and be on his way. Normally, he would welcome Snape's company, but not while he was trying to hide something from him. "She-" He paused. She had asked him not to tell anyone.


"I'm sorry, sir. She asked me not to tell anyone including you. I don't think she wanted you to worry about her."

Severus frowned. "Worry? Why would I-" His voice trailed off. There would only be one reason why he would worry. "Merlin's beard. The note." It had said for Harry to meet the gift giver at the bridge near Hagrid's if he remembered right. He had to know for sure. "She's gone to the bridge, hasn't she?"

Harry gulped. "You didn't hear it from me, Professor."

Severus gave him a look. "I'm going to rescue her if she's in trouble. How long has she been gone?"

"About ten minutes or so." Harry should definitely know. He had been staring at the clock since the moment she walked out the door.

Harry watched as Severus hurried off, knowing that he wasn't happy about what his mother had done.

~ * ~

Alaina was warm despite the biting cold air outside. She walked down to the bridge with her eyes peeled, prepared to defend herself against any adversary. Her nerves were on edge. A part of her felt guilty for not telling Severus she was going, but she knew if she ran into trouble, especially from Death Eaters, that they would kill Severus first and she couldn't let that happen. In her mind, she was the logical choice. Even if they disarmed her she would still have the power to fight.

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