43. Another Year Begins

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 It wasn't long before the day for Hogwarts students to return arrived. Harry was excited to go back on the outside, but on the inside he was worried. Alaina didn't bother to try and hide her apprehension. She wished, in a way, Harry had never told her about the little house elf or his reason for dropping by. Then she wouldn't be reluctant to send Harry back to Hogwarts. She had thought several times about keeping him at home this year, but she knew it wouldn't be in his best interest or hers. The day they got home from Diagon Alley, she had waited for Harry to go to sleep, put protective charms around the house and then left. She apparated to Spinner's End to make arrangements with Severus. She asked him to ride the train with her again, so they could talk, but she didn't tell him what about. They shared a quick kiss and then departed, leaving him wondering why she was in such a hurry to return.

"Are you all packed and ready?" Alaina asked Harry when he came down the stairs dragging his trunk.

"Yes," Harry answered. "What about you?"

She smiled. "Of course." She had her trunk packed for weeks already. "I guess we're ready to go then. Leave your trunk and I'll load it in the car."

"Okay." Harry ran out the door and went to get in the car.

Alaina carried her bag of clothes, which was just an overnight bag. With an undetectable Extendable Charm, she had everything she needed inside of it. Magic was handy to have sometimes. She dragged Harry's trunk along behind her and grabbed Hedwig's cage too. She loaded everything into the trunk of the car and then got inside as well. It didn't take her long to get to train station. She took their luggage out, gave Harry control of his trunk and Hedwig, and they headed toward Platform 9 and 3/4. Much to their surprise, it wasn't really as crowded as it had been the first time they came through for their trip to Hogwarts. Alaina saw the Weasleys and flagged them down. They went through the barrier without problem, all except for Ron. He had stopped to talk to Harry. Alaina hollered for Harry to come on and she grabbed his things and went first, making sure there was nothing waiting on the other side, but Harry never came through.

He tried many times, but no matter how hard he ran at the wall, he just collided with it and fell backwards. Ron tried it to, but to no avail.

"What's going on?" Ron demanded."

Harry swallowed hard. "I don't know, but mum is going to be really worried."

"Do you think that if we can't get through, then mum and dad and your mum can't get back?"

"I don't know. What if they can't though? How are we going to get to Hogwarts?"

"We're not," Ron responded simply. He looked up at the clock.

Harry followed his gaze. "The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock! We've missed it!"

"What are we going to do?"

"This is all my fault, Ron. I'll bet you anything that there's somebody that doesn't want me at Hogwarts this year."

The two of them were so busy discussing their options that they didn't even notice the man that walked up behind them.

"I just don't know how we're going to get through," Harry confessed.

"You could try asking someone."

Harry and Ron whirled around. They were shocked to find their Potions professor standing there behind them.

"Professor Snape," Harry said. "What are you doing here?"

"I had planned to meet your mother," Severus told him. "Where is she?"

"On the platform, but Ron and I can't get through."

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