19. A Lesson in Flying

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"Okay now," Madame Hooch said, "mount your brooms, hover there for a moment, and then drop back down."

Harry looked around. Everyone seemed eager to participate now that they finally got their brooms in their hands. It had taken at least twenty times saying "Up!" for Hermione to get hers. Not that Harry counted or anything. He mounted his broom and hovered there just as she had asked. He touched back down with no problem, but Neville Longbottom wasn't so lucky. He couldn't control his broom. It was shaky and unsteady and when he leaned forward to try and control it a little, the broom took off with him.

Harry gasped as Madame Hooch and some of the other students started screaming Neville's name. They were telling him to stop the broom, but it was clear to Harry he didn't know how. They were probably making him even more nervous by screaming at him. Madame Hooch continued to walk underneath him. Harry stood frozen in the spot where he stopped, afraid he might get in the way.

Neville lost the broom entirely once his robes got caught on a statue and he fell to the ground. There was a sickening crunch, and Harry knew he had broken something. Madame Hooch whisked him away toward the castle. He was going to the Hospital Wing. She glanced back at the anxious bunch of first years.

"While I'm gone, your feet will remain on the ground. Anyone I catch in the air will be out of the castle before you can say Quidditch."

They all nodded in understanding. Harry didn't think there would be any problem because nobody would want to be expelled, but he was wrong. He'd forgotten Draco Malfoy was in the class and he was bound to cause trouble. She and Neville hadn't been gone a half a second when Malfoy picked up something off the ground. Harry recognized it instantly. It was the Remembrall Neville's grandmother had sent him with the post this morning.

"Longbottom is pathetic," Draco spat. "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse."

The Slytherins of the group all erupted with laughter. Harry narrowed his eyes. He didn't like his classmates being made fun of, especially when they weren't there to defend themselves. He walked up to Draco as bold as brass.

"Give it here, Malfoy."

The blonde-haired boy smirked. "I don't think so." He hopped onto his broom sideways and swirled effortlessly around Harry like he was taunting him. "I think I'll leave it somewhere high for Longbottom to find." Without warning, he took to the sky. After he put a good distance between him and the ground below, he called, "What's the matter, Potter? A bit beyond your reach?"

Again, Harry narrowed his eyes. He was asking for it. Why did he have to be such a prat? Determined not to let him show him up, Harry mounted his broom. He had never flown before in his life, but he was about to learn really fast.

"Harry, no way!" Hermione exclaimed. "You heard what Madame Hooch said." He ignored her and kicked off the ground. "What an idiot."

He flew up to where Malfoy was and even managed to stop himself. With an evil grin, Malfoy threw the Remembrall. Harry leaned forward on his broom and took off after it. To his knowledge he had never been on a broom before, but it felt so natural to him. He liked having the wind beneath his robes. He raced after the small ball shaped object and caught it just before it smashed into a window in one of the towers. He didn't realize he had just caught the attention of Professor McGonagall.

Harry descended to the ground, greeted by the applause of his Gryffindor classmates and a very disappointed group of Slytherins. He was feeling quite proud of himself until he heard his name called. He whirled around and his heart leapt in his chest. It was Professor McGonagall.

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