51. Moaning Myrtle

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Severus woke up the next morning to pounding on his office door. He grumbled as he got out of bed and slipped into the robe he kept hanging by the door of his private quarters. If it was a student, he was liable to hex them for waking him up so early. He was due to sleep another hour. He flung the door open, an angry look upon his face.

Minerva was standing there, fully dressed, a worried expression on her face. "Severus, I'm terribly sorry to wake you but there is a staff meeting in half an hour. I'm waking everyone. Dumbledore must speak to us all."

He nodded. "Of course. I will be ready in a moment."

"Now I must go get Alaina up."

He frowned. "Minerva, let me tell her."

She eyed him suspiciously. "Oh alright. Be in Dumbledore's office in half an hour."

"I'll be there," he grouched. He slammed the door and locked it. He didn't want to risk her coming back inside.

Severus rushed back into his private quarters and sat down gently on his bed. He smiled at the sleeping form next to him. Alaina hadn't even be effected by the knocking at all. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly.

"Alaina," he whispered.

Instantly she rolled over to greet him with a sleepy smile. "Morning."

"Morning, love. Come on. You have to get up and get dressed."

Alaina put on her pouty face. She was looking past him at the clock on the wall. "But it's only half past six in the morning."

"I know," Severus told her, "but Minerva just woke me up. She said there's a staff meeting in half an hour in Dumbledore's office."

Her eyes widened and she sat up immediately. "Why? Did something happen?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm afraid I can only assume. She didn't come right and say that something happened, but I assume that it did."

Alaina's first thought was Harry. What if something happened to him? She hurried out of the bed, the sheet around her. "I have to get ready. I have to go check on Harry."

"I'm sure it wasn't Harry, Alaina or you would have been notified the moment it happened."

"Yes, I would have, but I wasn't in my room."

Severus frowned. He hadn't thought about that. Surely if it had been Harry Minerva would have told him, wouldn't she? Of course what reason would she have to think that he would care. He too hopped out of bed. He had to get ready as quickly as possible too. He was going to go check on Harry with her.

~ * ~

After they were ready, Severus and Alaina practically ran up to the Hospital Wing. They were both delighted to see that Harry was fine. He was dressed for class and sitting up in his bed smiling at them when they rushed through the door.

"Hello, Mum!" Harry exclaimed. He rushed forward and wrapped two strong arms around her.

"Hi," she said with a relieved chuckle. "I see your bones grew back."


"Glad to hear it," Severus said quietly.

Harry peaked from around his mother. "Good to see you, sir."

"And you as well. Alaina, I think it's safe to say that your son is fine."

She smiled at him. "Yes, I think so."

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