93. The Message

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 "Where is my stepson?" Severus growled. His eyes had never left Draco's face and it was evident that he was more than furious. He moved forward. "Tell me now."

Draco swallowed hard. "I have a message from the Dark Lord. It concerns Harry."

Alaina's face drained of color. "Please tell me he doesn't have him. Please tell me Voldemort doesn't have my Harry."

"He does. I'm sorry. I tried to-"

"You lead him right to Voldemort, didn't you?" Severus accused. "How did you do it? How did you get him to trust you?"

"That wasn't my intention," Draco assured him. "I wanted to warn him, to get him away before Voldemort kidnapped him. He's going to use Harry as a bargaining chip. He wants you."

His scowl faded and a solemn expression took its place. "Voldemort wants me?"

"Yes. He said he would release Harry if you gave yourself up."

Alaina could feel herself losing control. Voldemort had Harry. He had his filthy hands on her son. She couldn't stand the thought of it. Now, he wanted her husband too. It wasn't going to work. "No."

Severus turned around to face her. "Alaina, I need to go."

"No you don't. You can't." Tears began to form in her eyes. "He'll kill you."

"He'll kill Harry if he doesn't go," Draco reported. "He made that very clear."

"How do we know he won't kill Harry anyway?" Severus pointed out.

"You don't. You have three hours to decide. Then you must meet him at Malfoy Manor."

Alaina stepped toward him. "And I guess you just expect us to let you walk out of here?"

"If I don't come back, he'll kill him," Draco told them. "You have to let me go." He sighed. "You have to believe me. I don't want him dead. The Death Eaters have been in my house since last year. I hate it. I see what kind of monster he is and I don't condone what he does or what he's done. I have seen the error of my ways. I want to help Harry get rid of him."

She stared at him. His eyes were genuinely sorrowful. "For some reason, I believe you. Was that the only reason you were here? To deliver the message?"

He nodded. "I'm truly sorry about this."

"Not as sorry as Voldemort's going to be."

Alaina stormed off, rage surging through her body. She had to get out of the wedding dress before she ripped it off. She bounded up the stairs toward her office at lightning speed.

Severus glared at him. "If anything happens to Harry-"

"I'm going to help him. I just don't know how yet."

"Why would you?"

Draco nervously twisted his hands. "Because I've seen what Voldemort is, what he really is, and I don't want him to be victorious. I want him out of our lives, out of our house. He's merciless and evil. I see him bully people and I wonder about myself. I decided I don't want to do that anymore, I don't want to be like him. It took the summer, but I've changed. I really have."

Severus took a deep breath. "If you really have changed, Draco, help us."

He gulped. "How?"

"Help Harry escape."

Draco rubbed his face. "I-I don't know if I can. I want to, but-"

"Just try. That's all I'm asking. Just don't get yourself killed."

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