3. Meeting Harry

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"I'll get him, honey," James called.  

"Okay, sweetheart."  Lily heard him thundering up the staircase.  She couldn't help but laugh.  "I swear you could hear him coming a mile away when he's not trying to be quiet."

"I'll bet," Alaina giggled.  She looked around the small kitchen with its yellow walls and blue cabinets.  It was beautiful, so much more than she remembered.  "So why did you motion me in here anyway?"

"I wanted to give James and Sirius a little privacy."

Alaina sighed.  "James was right.  They really are more like brothers."

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Of course I was.  I have ears like a cat. I'm sure you remember all of your conversations I listened in on."

Both girls giggled.

"Yeah, I do," Lily admitted.  "Though I can't say I'm mad at you for it.  The curiosity runs in the family.  Harry is so curious already.  I can't wait to see him when he grows up."

"I just can't wait to meet him," she gushed.  

"I'm really glad Harry's awake.  At least you'll get to see him and spend a little time with him before bed time."

"Yeah."  She paused for a moment.  "So," Alaina said slowly, "have you talked to Petunia lately?"

Lily shot her a look.  "Are you kidding?  She won't get within three feet of this house or have anything to do with me or you, remember?  We're too freakish for her."

She grinned.  "She still feels that way, huh?"

"Yeah.  She has a baby now though.  Dudley.  I haven't even met him.  She won't even let me in the house."  Lily sighed.  "I haven't tried in a long time though."

"You haven't been to see me since Harry was born."

A look of sadness came over her.  "I know, Alaina, and I'm so sorry.  It's just-"

"I may just be eighteen, Lily, but I'm not stupid.  I know something is going on.  I know you're in some kind of trouble."

Lily stared at her.  "I was hoping I could keep you out of it."

"Is it that bad?"

She sighed heavily.  "You know who Voldemort is, right?"

Alaina nodded.  "Yeah and they was his followers earlier today."

"Well, he has marked me and James for death."

She gasped in surprise.  "Why?"

Lily swallowed hard.  "Harry.  He wants him dead."

Alaina could hardly contain her surprise.  "Oh my goodness!  Why would he want a one year old baby dead?"

Tears welled up in her sister's eyes.  "There was a prophecy made.  The son of those who have thrice defied him will be the one he will mark as his equal.  In other words, Harry is supposedly the one who is going to defeat him."

"He's just a baby!" Alaina exclaimed.  "That's ridiculous!"

"I know.  And James and I have hardly left the house since Harry was born for that reason.  We're so afraid something is going to happen to him.  The Order is protecting us at every turn."

"They should since you're a part of it."

"And Sirius is the only one who knows our location.  He's our secret keeper.  That's why he had to be the one to come and get you to bring you here."

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